God please lie down

Chapter 1122 I am very clear about your right and wrong

Chapter 1122 I am very clear about your right and wrong

I used to think that after encountering so many things, I could slowly discover that many topics can be started.

There is no need to think too seriously about right and wrong.

In the past, when you thought everything you knew was wrong, it’s not just the past, you don’t need to think about it.

What kind of scenery is encountered in the eyes of anyone is not the same.

They have also thought about it, no matter how many things, perhaps at this moment, they will all become memories of the past.

They don't have any reason to doubt anything.

At a certain moment, you will understand all the answers carefully, and sooner or later you will have to make it clear.

Xi Nuan was lying on the bed, thinking about what kind of dessert he should make later.

When strolling at night, send it directly to Xiao Muchen.

In this case, it will save him from eating badly.

Even if Xiao Muchen didn't like it, his teammates should like it very much.

But there should be a difference between what you do outside and what you do yourself.

He has never said these words to anyone.

Just like what I think, no matter how many things you have encountered, I am afraid that at this time, it is not easy to say.

He used to think that he had already waited for the answer.

But walking around is the best way to look.

These reasons, even these words, can be told to others or to yourself.

There is no need to speculate too much in itself, what you know is different from what you know.

Xi Nuan felt that these people would become different only when they realized it.

During this period of time, there is really no need to think so much.

It's not that Xi Nuan doesn't know what Xiao Muchen is thinking in his heart, but even if he knows, so what can he do.

She didn't intend to make it clear at first, just like she thought, the relationship between two people didn't need to be so clear.

Maybe occasionally, you have to keep these things in your heart.

Who knows what that Xiao Muchen you know looks like.

There are always many people who don't understand, or are uncertain, and dare not say everything so straightforwardly.

As Xi Nuan said, she didn't think it through.

Even if there are so many difficulties in life, you can only put it in your heart.

Don't appear in his life, and don't want to bother him.

This is the best way. The story you think is nothing more than that in the end.

After all, it is only when you think about it that you will know it. These are useless.

Those words spoken to others, at this moment, there is no way to comfort myself.

What exactly he was thinking, who knows.

Xi Nuan didn't want to think about it anymore, so let it be, it's good.

She once felt that at a certain moment, Xiao Muchen was very attractive to her.

But she never wanted to be that kind of person, even if she was by his side, she didn't want others to think that she wanted to rely on Xiao Muchen to accomplish something.

When I told others about these reasons, I didn’t know them. Until now, maybe the time has come, and it will pass.

She can ask if she doesn't understand, but after she gets the answer, what can she really say?

(End of this chapter)

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