God please lie down

Chapter 1127 Facing feelings, from one to the end

Chapter 1127 Facing Feelings, Always Ending
From Xiao Muchen's point of view, when facing his feelings, he likes to be consistent.

It's the same when doing things.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to find him to transfer.

Looking at the long marks, Xiao Muchen suddenly remembered that it was also such a night when they participated in the finals for the first time.

But that day, many things happened.

If so many things hadn't happened, maybe there would be no present at all.

At the beginning, he really didn't think of this.

But at this moment, I will understand that even if there is something, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, after saying it, it is the best.

When encountering such a thing, you should have thought more about it.

"Don't look at me like that. I don't know what to say to you. It's not that I've been affected. It's just that I'm not sure for a while."

"It's like a dream. I don't know if I'm awake or asleep. I'm afraid that when I open my eyes, I will find out that it's all fake."

When Jiu Hen finished saying this, he also laughed.

He was like this from the beginning, for a while, he couldn't understand anything else at all.

There are always many problems that cannot be seen in a short time.

If we say that all of this, we have to be convinced before thinking about it.

"It's true, we're going to play in the finals, and we should work hard."

"No matter what the result is, I will bear it with you."

Xiao Muchen's words were resounding. Before that, he never thought that there would be such a serious matter.

But since he thought of this, it was impossible for Xiao Muchen to choose to ignore it.

They all need to know that this question may not be so clear.

No matter how you face the result, you will know. During this period of time, you may never know what will happen at the end.

There are always many people who will inadvertently make you understand a lot.

So when facing these things, I feel that I need to think more clearly.

He used to think about it a lot, but only later did he realize that there might have been too many misunderstandings.

"It's enough to have your words, what else do you want to win or lose?"

"Me too, I'm so old, but I'm so obsessed with winning or losing."

"It shouldn't be like this, I just didn't think clearly."

When Jiu Hen smiled, it was very gentle.

It seems that it has not been so relieved for a long time, and it is not easy to think about one thing so thoroughly.

Without Xiao Muchen's enlightenment, it is probably impossible to think so clearly.

This time, he was impulsive.

Before he could think clearly, he spoke out what was in his heart.

So many things, until the end, I didn't listen to him explain clearly.

This time, many people may not know what it is like, but even so, what can be done.

There was no need to think about it at first, but now it is impossible to avoid it.

No matter what the difficulties facing him, they are all the answers he wants to think about.

This is right or wrong, and the reason, there is no need to look for it.

He might know what he was thinking.

Only the years of floating life after that will make people feel that it is so meaningful.

(End of this chapter)

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