Chapter 1132

Recently, He Ji was also busy with the finals. He felt that even sleeping was a very extravagant thing for him.

No way, there are too many things to prepare.

A team that can make it to the finals is always good.

They must face up to the finals. You must know that many things are not as simple as they seem on the surface.

So He Ji knew in his heart that even though there were a lot of comments on the Internet, in his eyes, it was enough to do what he thought was right.

It is not necessary to say all the words so clearly, or even so clearly. In short, everything you think may not come out at all at a certain moment. Is there any relationship between the past and yourself? How many relationships, even if you can realize it, maybe there is still no way. Before you can say everything clearly, you have to prepare more.

Life is supposed to have such a process, it's not something you can do after thinking about it for so long.

And He Ji also knew that any of his routines needed the cooperation of his own team members.

If there is no cooperation, nothing will work.

This is what he has always thought in his heart. The reason why there is no change is because it has already been decided. Before finding the answer to many things, he can only do so. Or let all the stories become the past.

Once upon a time, they would spend so much time thinking about it. Ruo said, the feeling in his heart, from the time when he was uncertain from the beginning, until now, he still remembered the promise he made at the beginning.

Now that you have come, you will never retreat.

If you want to fight, you can fight. There is nothing to be afraid of.

He Ji is not a person who will be afraid just because it is the finals. He will face this arena bravely. Even in his own opinion, he may feel that there are many difficulties, but it doesn't matter.

They will realize that what is the best way to do it.

Moreover, even within the time, there is no need to think thoroughly about what really happened.

"What do you think?"

He Ji put the small notebook in his hand in front of Xiao Muchen, Xiao Muchen took it and looked at it for a long time, "I think everything is fine, my hero pool is fine, so don't focus on me."

Xiao Muchen is really calm, it's not that he doesn't understand He Ji's thoughts, it's just that he hasn't paid attention to them.

He is the kind of person who is very serious about everything, but he doesn't think of it, he can do whatever he wants. Occasionally, he will put forward a little idea, and it can't be solved so simply.

Speaking of which, I used to want to give up so many ideas, but most of the time, I followed my own way.

There is no need to say these words. In his eyes, it is not easy to be able to do so many things.

In other matters, they can both insist on different opinions.

But before the game, it is still necessary to be unified.

So it is necessary to think clearly that every decision they make may affect the final.

"I know it's useless to ask you, and you won't tell me if you ask."

He Ji took back his little notebook again, not knowing what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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