God please lie down

Chapter 1149 Believe in yourself, there is no problem

Chapter 1149 Believe in yourself, there is no problem

It is said that Xiao Muchen has never been approachable, it's just because he never thought of getting in touch with others.

In his heart, he has always been very persistent in what he wants to do.

He has many ways to accomplish things, but Xiao Muchen has always been stingy in using them.

Xiao Muchen was very upright, because he was frank and frank, so almost many people didn't know what his thoughts were.

Before they have thought about many things clearly, they seem to have no reason. Before doing anything, it is not suitable to act rashly when they have not thought about it.

After Xiao Muchen spoke a few words with them, he played with his mobile phone in silence.

It's not that he didn't take the filming of the promotional video to heart. Xiao Muchen used to be a photo, which can be used from the spring competition to the autumn competition, and then it can be used in the finals.

He's really the kind of guy who doesn't ask for anything.

Before doing anything, it seems that no consequences are considered.

From a very early age, Xiao Muchen knew that these were just superficial. For him, it wasn't that he didn't pay attention to his image, it was just that it was unnecessary.

Except for some official occasions, in the base, Xiao Muchen is a very casual person.

She doesn't have any pretensions, and she speaks in a polite manner when talking to people.

You really can't pick out some faults from him. He has to admit that Xiao Muchen is definitely not a perfect person, but it cannot be denied that he is indeed very attractive.

Really answered that sentence, Xiao Muchen really eats all men, women and children, and there are a lot of fans among his fans.

The most enviable thing is that he always has that expression.

I didn't feel much joy, nor did I feel much disappointment.

It seemed that those actions were in his expectation, but not like them.

Every time Jiu Hen encounters this, he thinks, Xiao Muchen is really a man who is so calm and terrifying.

Not a boy, because his age and his thoughts are extremely inconsistent.

A man like him might seem out of reach, but he isn't.

Jiuhen has been in contact with him for the longest time, so he also knows that Xiao Muchen is on guard against anyone.

He will not let go of his guard easily, because most of the time, he will default to stay in his own world and not contact anyone.

He thinks that is the best, there is no dispute, and there is no need to do anything.

Xiao Muchen doesn't like to fight, he just wants to do his own thing well.

He is also someone who doesn't bother to fight for, and those that should belong to him will never be taken away by others.

That's him.

Only those who have seen it will know that Xiao Muchen grew up to this day, not relying on his family.

Everything about him was earned by himself.

Speaking of which, his situation is similar to that of Xi Nuan, and his parents are basically not at home.

Living on his own, his parents gave him money, but Xiao Muchen basically didn't know how to use it, he was the kind of person who could always find a way to make money on his own.

So he is living a good life, even if there is only one person, he still lives his life as he wants.

Ordinary people must be envious of Xiao Muchen's choice of not coming, they would only feel that he made himself more difficult.

He chose a path that was not very easy to walk, and yet no one helped him.

This situation improved a lot after meeting Cheng Yuan later.

Cheng Yuan was helping Xiao Muchen both openly and secretly, and he really had the illusion that it was natural to help.

(End of this chapter)

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