God please lie down

Chapter 1151 You Are Faith, Obsessed Without Regret

Chapter 1151 You Are Faith, Obsessed Without Regret

All the reasons that may appear are not because you have not thought about it, but in many cases, you still have to make a choice.

Even if you know it's wrong, but you have nothing to do, you will find that this is not an easy path after all.

Just like before, they were not sure, no one knew what they were thinking in their hearts.

Maybe it's because I didn't expect this at the beginning.

But later you will understand that everyone's heart is different.

Occasionally, when I think about it, I still feel that it is not related to the past, or I can realize what is in my head when I think about it.

So, sometimes, if you really think about it, it may not be a good thing, Cheng Yuan would rather he forget everything.

At least from this point of view, it is not considered to be so obsessed with memories.

Maybe Xiao Muchen never thought of these things.

When Xiao Muchen was in the car, he fell asleep.

I had a dream, and many things happened in the dream.

I saw Cheng Yuan, my grandma, my parents, and Xi Nuan.

He believes that nothing has changed.

He has always believed that those people are always guarding his side.

So, there is never anything to be afraid of.

Xiao Muchen knew that he was never alone, and that was enough.

In the future, he will not be alone.

Xiao Muchen was woken up by his teammates, and Xiao Muchen didn't know what they said in a daze.

But when he woke up, he was already there.

Xiao Muchen rubbed his sleepy eyes, sat in the car for a few minutes, waited until they all got off with their things, then stood up and got out of the car.

The members of the two teams didn't arrive together, so he didn't see Nanami at this time, and he felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

If he really bumped into Qiran here, it doesn't matter to him, anyway, he didn't take these things to heart.

But Qiran might not think so, but Xiao Muchen has never been a person who cares what others think of him.

No matter how many things happened, to him, it was just the past.

The only good thing about him is that no matter how many things happened, he can easily let go.

When deciding not to be nostalgic, it is already enough to think clearly.

As for those things before and after, I really didn't plan to take them to heart.

When Jiuhen went down, he stood at the door of the car and waited for Xiao Muchen for a while.

When he came down, the expression on his face was not very solemn, and he knew that he had really let go.

He didn't take what happened that year to his heart, and he never thought about getting into trouble with anyone.

It's like he won't grasp this handle and ask Qi Ran to do something.

In the past two years of leaving, he will not talk to others about the good and the bad.

That is to say, I still feel a little unwilling to talk about the year when I occasionally talk about it.

But Xiao Muchen was a person who never showed anything. Many people knew that he was good.

But the ones he puts behind, unseen, are just as good.

They didn't know that Xiao Muchen was really a very good person.

He's just not good at expressing it, it's not like he never knew.

Whoever treats him well, he will silently keep that love in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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