God please lie down

Chapter 1157 Former teammates, now enemies

Chapter 1157 Former teammates, now enemies

But telling them or not telling them is a matter between the two of them. They have no reason, and it seems that they don't have the qualifications. They simply don't waste any thought on this matter.

In addition, they have been together for almost half a year, what kind of person Xiao Muchen is, do they still not know?

Xiao Muchen's temper has always been very simple.

It's nothing more than what kind of thoughts you have, that's all your business.

If Xiao Muchen didn't say anything, almost no one would know the answer from his mouth.

Yep, that's it.

Xiao Muchen has his principles in doing things, whether many people understand it or not, it doesn't affect his usual principles of doing things.

This may seem like a very simple matter, but you will find that no matter what, Xiao Muchen's heart is nothing more than preparing a lot before thinking of a lot of answers.

Yu Cheng and Ling Xia were next to them like troubled brothers, patronizing to eat, even when the make-up artist came over, they could see that they were eating happily.

It gives people a feeling that maybe even if you think of it, it doesn't make much sense.

After all, it was Xiao Muchen's own business.

Xiao Muchen is nothing more than paying attention to a lot, but there are not many things he can do.

When the makeup artist saw Yu Cheng and Ling Xia, the latter was looking at them with a smile on his face, it felt like, you should say something, but you found that it was useless.

It is said that reaching out does not hit smiling people, just like them.

There are a lot of words hidden in my heart, but I can't say them.

"This way, please, let's put on makeup first, and then shoot."

When it comes to makeup, it is really uncomfortable.

They are all boys, so I feel very awkward.

If you want to say that the only special one is Xiao Muchen.

Look at Xiao Muchen, the hairstyle is very good, you don't need to move it, and you look very good, so don't worry about it.

He won't show his face, even if he is taking a set photo, it's still the same.

So, it's not Xiao Muchen's turn to do things like makeup.

Xiao Muchen was happy to be at ease, originally he was not willing to join in.

Compared with going to the dressing room, he would rather sit here, sit here, play with his mobile phone for a while, and then watch other people's excitement.

I rarely care about what happens around me.

In addition, during this period of time, all the team members are very stressed.

Xiao Muchen is not a person who can adjust the atmosphere, so he doesn't know what to say to comfort these people.

But you will find that as long as Xiao Muchen is here, it is a kind of existence that stabilizes the morale of the army.

But what you have to notice is that Xiao Muchen always has a calm expression, which won't make you think it has anything to do with it.

Anyway, when I think about it, it's a different situation.

After that, you will realize that even if you have encountered so many things, there are no problems, and then you will find that after so many things have passed, you don’t need to think about many things.

Basically what you realize is what you see.

Qiran really wanted to go over, sit beside Xiao Muchen, and have a word with him.

But it was obvious that Xiao Muchen's whole mind was not on him, really, he didn't even give him a look.

(End of this chapter)

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