God please lie down

Chapter 1172 In addition to practice, talking is useless

Chapter 1172 In addition to practice, talking is useless

For Xiao Muchen, he didn't think about the past because he knew very well that it didn't have any influence on him.

For a person like him, even if he really had to face something, he would not be so plain.

Jiu Hen's worry was completely non-existent.

I don't know where their laughter is, but I just feel that seeing them happy makes me happy too.

Xiao Muchen was always like this, he didn't talk much, although he was a reassuring existence.

But many times, even if there is a real problem, he can't comfort people.

I didn't know what to say, it was as if I had prepared a bunch of words, and the moment I opened my mouth, I became dumb.

So he has never been able to deal with these things, and he didn't even think about what to do.

The way you get along with others is nothing more than because you haven't found a better way.

If you really say it, you can think of a lot.

But in the end when he really wanted to reason, he backed away.

He really remembered everything, but he didn't know what way he should think about it.

What others leave to him is just a thought, but he will take it seriously.

That's it.

After seeing the makeup photos that day, they really laughed for a long time before they calmed down.

Then they exchanged their experiences with each other, and there is nothing more.

There will not be too many emotional ups and downs for a while, and it won't make people feel that it has anything to do with it.

Even if many words are prepared before they are spoken, you will believe that this is not the end.

There is a deep tacit understanding between the few of them. It's the kind of look that I can know what you are going to do without you asking.

This discussion is nothing more than wanting to add some chips to the finals.

I really don't need to think about it very clearly, thinking that no matter what, the finals will not be turned over.

Apart from welcoming him with a new attitude, it seems that there is really nothing to think about.

After all, they all know that others don't have to think about it, but they can't.

So, there is no need to think so clearly, because even if it is, it is just giving yourself a chance.

After arguing with them for a while, Jiu Hen sat back in his seat and glanced at Xiao Muchen.

"You are still ranked, why don't you take a break? It seems that you haven't been idle these days."

This is indeed the case, when Xiao Muchen has time, he ranks and takes the field. If you say that when they usually rank, they don't have so many requirements for the position, that is, they play whatever they lack.

But it seems that Xiao Muchen has a soft spot for the jungler position, because it's the finals, and is he a jungler?
It's hard to say that it doesn't matter, Jiu Hen understands that Xiao Muchen is the kind of person who says he doesn't care, but acts very honestly.

He is someone who will really put in a lot of effort for a decision.

It was so before, it is so now, nothing has changed.

Because of this, he began to believe that some things are destined to be good in the dark.

Even if he doesn't want to, someone will put it in front of him.

"Idle is idle, just thinking about playing two more games is always good."

Xiao Muchen didn't talk much, but every sentence was on point.

Mainly because he is a person who doesn't like nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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