God please lie down

Chapter 1177 Is a Genius, Willing to Work Hard

Chapter 1177 Is a Genius, Willing to Work Hard

I still remember that in the past, when I first learned his name, it was from someone else's mouth.

Talking about how gorgeous and wonderful his operations were, He Ji at that time had only one thought in his mind.

How is it possible, it's not a joke.

Later, when he was free, he also looked for the video, and after watching it, he had the same thought.

Absolutely a genius.

A genius who is willing to work hard.

Some people start from a higher starting point than others from the time of birth.

Coincidentally, Xiao Muchen is that kind of person.

So after watching the video, He Ji began to feel that this should be his time.

Xiao Muchen's skills were completely online, and he was no longer a coach at that time.

I just watched these out of interest, but I was still attracted by Xiao Muchen.

Since then, he has paid attention to every game he plays.

I have to say that the final finals is indeed a pity.

If they can perform normally, there must be no problem in winning the finals.

The only difference is that Xiao Muchen was in a very bad state that day.

It is said that a player's status can affect everyone's performance, and some people will question Xiao Muchen's quality as a professional player, and some will stand up and criticize him as a match-fixing match.

But Xiao Muchen was a person who didn't respond at all, he kept all the words in his heart.

Then there is only one message to leave the field, for everyone to hear.

Take all the responsibilities, that kind of courage, most people can't do it.

He is betting his entire career, maybe sometimes, if he makes a wrong step, what awaits him will be forever.

Don't you think he doesn't know it himself?

Impossible, he is such a smart person.

After dealing with your own affairs, it only takes a few minutes to think clearly about the things inside.

He stood up so dryly, which surprised many people.

It was also he who let everyone know that he was a very responsible person.

Xiao Muchen's move didn't mean how many fans he attracted.

But with his style of acting, there is no second person to be found in the entire KPL.

You know, in this society, it's the people who make trouble when they are in trouble who do more laundry.

Like Xiao Muchen, he was the only one who stood up and shouldered all the responsibilities by himself.

He Ji admired Xiao Muchen's courage to act, so he naturally believed that he would solve everything well.

At that time, I never imagined that one day, they would meet together.

But he remembered this person's name.

Remember his wonderful operation, remember his turning the tide.

So, how could you not believe it?
This person seems to have been on the altar all the time, and has never stepped down.

So you have to believe that not all stories will have a perfect ending, but at least you should fight for it.

This reason is enough.

These few people, not to mention whether they have other ideas or not.

When you simply think of these stories, you will still think of those years.

You don't need any confidence, and you even want to uproot everything in yourself.

Most of the time, there are really not many people he has admitted to admire, but Xiao Muchen is definitely one of them.

(End of this chapter)

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