God please lie down

Chapter 1182 Familiar People, Familiar Things

Chapter 1182 Familiar People, Familiar Things

Familiar people and familiar pictures will make them feel that these things have never ended.

No matter what, at this moment, the answer in my heart is so clear, there is no need to worry about it.

Moreover, that was his brother-in-law.

This reason is already enough, the person Xi Nuan likes is good enough, and it is enough to make everyone feel that this is what they want to do.

Instead of thinking about these things, I suddenly realized that there was no good result. I even thought about it at the beginning, and it turned out that the right and wrong were already what I thought.

"I just said that I don't understand it. You guys insisted on letting me come and see it. I don't even know what to say. If I don't understand it then, don't blame me."

"I didn't think you could see clearly at first, and I didn't know what you were thinking in your heart. Just eat your own food quietly and leave us alone, okay?"

Xi Nuan is already too lazy to talk to Xi Feng, every time he says something useless, and he doesn't know what's on his mind, but sometimes it makes people feel that Xi Feng is just here to be funny .

What he can say out of his mouth is really not serious at all.

I really didn't think about asking him to explain or something, but it was just to get a head.

If you really want to let him do something, I'm afraid there is not even enough time.

"I just said that you are here to tease me. If you insist on pulling me over, what did I do wrong? Obviously, there is nothing wrong with it. But if you insist on doing this, I have nothing to do."

Xi Feng said that he was very helpless, and he didn't want to be like this, but in fact, no one gave him a chance. He also said that although he was very scared in his heart, after panic, he realized that he had to come.

It's fine if you don't talk, if you let him express some opinions, it's probably true, I'm afraid he wants to think of a lot of things for you.

It turns out that no matter how many people you meet, in the end, it can only be like this.

What they believe has always been, and at this moment you will know that this is the result you want.

As for everyone's life, how many things they will encounter, no one knows, they still think very simple in their hearts.But it was only at the end that I realized that all of this was just a formality.

In addition to letting yourself think about the results, you have to think a lot.

It is precisely because of this that you cannot decide the future direction according to the initial idea.

That would be really tiring and exhausting.

I always feel like I have thought it through clearly, so I can sit here with peace of mind and say that nothing happened.

But only when you really understand, you will understand that time and place are very important.

The so-called not thinking of these from the beginning is just perfunctory.

Did he really think of it that way, or what, who knows.

I always felt that I was ready from the beginning, but later, I suddenly thought of it, so many people I met have always been a very good memory in my heart.

Xi Feng admits that he cannot be completely serious about many things, but most of the time, he can be responsible for his own choices.Even in the situation where he didn't know anything, he was sure that this was the answer he wanted.

You don't have to think about it and you don't need to understand it. The reason why you keep going like this is because there are so many people around you.

(End of this chapter)

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