God please lie down

Chapter 1185 Empathy, that's it

Chapter 1185 Empathy, that's it

The way Xi Nuan felt the same way, should not be much different from how Xiao Muchen felt on the field.

In the past, I didn't think much about what to do. I still remember that when the two of them first met, they were full of curiosity about everything.

That is to say, at this moment, the two of them are together.

You don't have to think about anything, just stay with him like this, and that's fine.

Xi Nuan had never made any demands on Xiao Muchen, and he also thought that it would be good if they had walked such a distance together.

In the future, after Xiao Muchen really leaves the arena, he will find out that there are still many memories between the two of them.

Two together are better than alone.

It is precisely because of this that I feel that these are not really problems.

Moderator Monet: Good evening everyone, welcome to the finals of Glory of Kings.I am the host Monet, thank you for coming.

Next, let us applaud and welcome the players to come on stage.

After introducing the players from both sides in turn, they saw the players appearing on the stage.

Because it was the finals, they still put on makeup before going on stage.

So it seems that his appearance is much higher than usual, you know, Xiao Muchen is still in his attire that no one can see clearly, it makes people feel really, very mysterious.

But no matter what, Xi Nuan could tell it from the crowd at a glance.

Whoever makes Xiao Muchen the person she likes, even among hundreds of millions of people, can see him at a glance.

Maybe this is the telepathy, there is no need to think about anything, just such an answer, here it is.

In addition, during this period of time, Xi Nuan and Xiao Muchen got along very well.

It is the kind of tacit understanding, which is simply beyond the reach of others.

No matter what, this story is so clear that it doesn't need to be said.

They just need to know how to do it. Xi Nuan only has one idea in his heart. It turns out that the first memory is different from what others think.

And these people, maybe no matter how much time has passed, they still have deep thoughts in their hearts.

For a while, even if you think about it, you may not understand it.

In addition, Xi Nuan will not affect Xiao Muchen.

Just watching him silently, even accompanying him.

In the past, I didn't think so much because of one person.

Having encountered so many things, but still able to maintain the original intention, how many people can be like Xiao Muchen.

Xi Nuan knew that he was unique.

I still remember that at the beginning, he kept everything very well.

Cheng Yuan looked at it very seriously, even if he couldn't understand it, it didn't matter.

Whatever it is, it's nothing more than that.

I still remember that during that time, they all thought a lot in their hearts.

But in the end, you will find out that the past is nothing more than that, if you don't really wait, you can have a better result.

But when you think of it, you will think of this person for the first time.

Even though there are so many stories in time, it is still the same.

Xi Nuan just looked at the person standing on the stage quietly, and it really looked familiar to her.

Even if something really happened, it still makes people feel that there are really many things in the past.

It's just that most of the time, what you think may not be what you realize.

(End of this chapter)

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