God please lie down

Chapter 1190 He Knows This Process

Chapter 1190 He Knows This Process

Generally speaking, Xiao Muchen is very confident about things that he is very sure of.

If he didn't say anything, he was either not sure, or he was really not sure.

After all, many things are simply impossible to pass like this.

For the choice of heroes, it still depends on the lineup.

It's not that they say here that you can choose or not. At this moment, you will find that all the choices are nothing more than because of your appearance, so I know how to plan.

The two sides soon began to exchange moves, and the first three bans were indeed sent to Xiao Muchen with two moves and one assist Guiguzi.

Li Bai and Pei Qinhu sent it up directly, and then grabbed Taiyi.

He Ji took a look here, if it wasn't because today was the finals, he thought they were going to raise pigs.

What a horrible illusion, but impossible.

The arena of the finals will definitely not allow them to play like this. Once they collapse, it means that they will not even have a chance to come back.

Here, He Ji directly asked Xiao Muchen if he should lock the hero for him now, or wait.

If it is taken out now, it may be targeted.

But if it's the next few moves, it is estimated that his hero pool will still be targeted in a while.

This story is also a bit sad, when it comes to Xiao Muchen's choice of heroes, he has never disappointed anyone.

Those heroes who became famous in the past two years, even now, still haven't been released from the ban position.

A person's hero pool will be remembered for two years, which is really embarrassing for them.

If it weren't for this, I probably wouldn't have thought so much about it.

All the stories have to be told from a long time ago.

Not many people remember, but not too few.

"Wait a while and see how they choose. If you choose first, you will suffer a bit. It doesn't matter if you choose second. Anyway, the pool of heroes is deep, so you can't target them. Don't worry."

Xiao Muchen's light words will make people let go of the grudges in their hearts.

It's even the kind that makes people feel at ease, that is, a few words from him can calm your emotions.

Then you will find that this person has always been very strong in his heart.

You don't need to talk to him a lot, even a lot of times, what you have to think about is how many answers you will have in your heart at this moment.

Occasionally, you will know that many things can still be explained clearly at the end.

It's not that at this moment there is nothing to do, it doesn't matter if you think about it occasionally or don't want to.

Anyway, sooner or later, it is necessary to do this, which is to ask for an opinion.

"Okay, I'll help them take it first."

After He Ji finished speaking, he directly gave the content of bp, targeting Marco Polo and Liu Bang.

It is impossible to play one hand, four guarantees and one first. Xiao Muchen is a rhythmic person.

Naturally, most of the time, he is required to play by himself. Many people just play cooperatively. Most of the time, he can know how to control the next rhythm by himself.

What others see is already the result.

It's just that this process, I'm afraid only Xiao Muchen knows about it.

When you are still uncertain, you will never imagine how many stories there will be in the next time.

Moreover, even if we meet each other often, we will just keep it in our hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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