God please lie down

Chapter 1194 Just do what you said

Chapter 1194 Just do what you said
Xi Nuan often comforts herself, she is not a person who can think clearly about everything, maybe even if there is, it is only at the end that she suddenly realizes that this is herself Want it.

Looking at Xiao Muchen, she felt very happy. Only then would she know that most of the time, things in the past really don't need to be thought about.

Because between the two of them, neither of them thought about going back to the past.

This has nothing to do with the past, Xi Nuan has let go of the grudge between him and his parents.

How should I put it, they all have their own choices, and even when they choose differently, they should understand each other.

Without Xiao Muchen, she would not be able to be so open-minded.

It may still be strange, after all, the way of getting along for so many years is still the same, and there is not much change.

Many times, even if you want to make a phone call, you will find out at the end that there is no chance. Everything that should happen cannot exist in her home.

I feel that family affection is the most indifferent thing, but it is not between her and Xi Feng.

Maybe the only thing in common is the two of them, even if they don't keep in touch, they were still very noisy when they were young.

So the current affection is not bad, even if it is really okay, you can sit down together, drink tea, and eat.

These are nothing, looking at the past, she really never thought that this could be done.

Because even if there are too many things hidden in her heart, it will only make her think about things differently.

But she never thought about how many things she would encounter on the road ahead. For her, she never thought about it.

At home, or by herself, she has a way out.

Therefore, life has never put a lot of pressure on her. All she wants is to be calm, and she doesn't like the feeling of being stared at all the time.

So she chose what she likes, even when her parents objected, she still persisted, and sometimes she tried to ask herself, do you regret it?

Later, she told herself clearly that even if she regretted it, she had already taken this step.

She is a person who has no turning back. When explaining the situation to her parents, she was thinking that all the courage in this life must be spent at that time.

When you have absolutely no idea what the outcome will be, there is nothing to be afraid of.

After the incident happened, I didn't think it had anything to do with it.

But it's different now, suddenly I feel like someone I'm worried about.

She will think of Xiao Muchen, and the time when she was with him, and then feel that there is nothing to be afraid of.

At that time, she was also very naive, thinking that everything could still be done.

It was only later that I realized in a daze that it was all related to what. People who already knew the answer before thinking about it, at this time, suddenly remembered that it really didn't matter. of.

These words are always the same when they say them.

There won't be much change, and it won't even have any impact on the result.

Naturally, Xi Nuan didn't care much about it.

In her world, she really can do whatever she wants, and if her parents say they don't care about her, they will definitely not care about her.

It's all her own decision, the kind that she has to bear for right and wrong.

Xi Nuan felt that there was nothing wrong with it, and it seemed that he would be able to relax a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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