God please lie down

Chapter 1199 I have to admit, there is no way

Chapter 1199 I have to admit, there is no way

Sometimes you have to admit that it's tough to have someone you know as your opponent.

He really knows Xiao Muchen too well, Xiao Muchen has not changed, so there is not much difference from a few years ago.

It will make people feel that he is still the same person, but there seems to be something different about him.

So they can't tell clearly, but when they look at it, they can easily think of the past.

Also in the same place, he also stood on the stage of the finals.

So what is it now, revisiting the old place?

I can't say what it feels like in my heart, anyway, Xi Nuan thinks it's quite interesting.

She still wanted to return to this place, but at that time, she didn't play games and didn't know about competitions.

There is no favorite anchor, and there is no favorite person.

I just heard it from Lin Wan, that's all.

Who knows that in the near future, they will become boyfriend and girlfriend.

It's really strange, but now that I think about it, I don't think it has much to do with it.

There is no need to worry about the follow-up matters.

No amount of time can compare to their thinking for so long before they came up with the idea.

If you still have to care about so many things in life, it will be very tiring.

Xi Nuan gave up some ideas, so she was able to live a comfortable life.

At this moment, you will discover that it is not that you do not understand.

It's just that many years ago, she always chose to escape, but it's different now.

She has learned how to take good care of herself, and she has begun to understand that these things cannot be avoided by escaping.

It is still necessary to face up to the difficulties. In this case, it is the best result.

Seeing the end of the first game, Xi Nuan secretly sighed inwardly.

Xiao Muchen is really good, and he seized the opportunity very well.

In front of him, even a mistake in positioning will be seized.

If so, during this time, her waiting was not in vain.

I know a lot, and I have seen very exciting games.

Although it is boring in the early stage, but this is a tactic.

Xi Nuan had thought of this. If she analyzed it from a rational perspective, both sides played very conservatively in the first game.

There is no feeling of a last stand, and it is very stable.

Not even when they play ranked in their daily life.

So it gives people the illusion that they have all changed people.

Watching people they are familiar with use their least favorite team.

It still feels a little strange, but it doesn't matter, as long as there are still so many people.

They are still the same, don't have to think about anything.

Just looking at them, Xi Nuan already felt that not much time had passed.

Like them, it is really not easy to meet the right person in a random time.

Speaking of which, all of this is the simplest in the end.

Occasionally, they still feel that it is not difficult to make some changes.

Some things still have to be experienced. Up to now, there is nothing to say or not to say.

At the beginning, she was not very familiar with all this.

After a long time, it is still good even if it is subtle.

Because of this, I feel that everyone's life is different.

Even if she had some results, she couldn't really say it.

It was one thing for others to listen, but quite another for what she wanted to say.

(End of this chapter)

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