God please lie down

Chapter 1202 Meet and laugh

Chapter 1202 Meet and smile
When the game progressed to the second game, the bp of both sides also changed.

It was completely different from the routine of the first game, and for the TW team, it seemed that after the first game, they also found out something.

So this round seems to be going head-to-head.

There is no other way, and there is simply no need to think about it so much.

At what point do they think about something else, who knows.

It's enough to simply put them together occasionally in my heart.

It's useless to say more.

At this moment, Xiao Muchen thought so much, it was useless to search.

He just wanted to keep everything very simple.

If you talk about the things inside, he may not understand it very well.

But relying on all these alone is enough.

It's not that he didn't leave any opportunities for himself, but at that time, he really didn't think so much.

I never thought that I would meet such a good teammate.

What's more, I didn't expect that I would meet Xi Nuan.

Xi Nuan is the only person in Xiao Muchen's life of more than ten years who can make a big change in his thoughts.

So he clearly knows that in many cases, even if he doesn't say anything, that person knows himself very well.

So he doesn't have to describe anything, just do whatever he wants.

He can completely ignore the past, as if nothing happened.

But at that time, did he really know nothing?

I kept telling myself that even if it really had something to do with it, it would be fine.

Anyway, he doesn't care about that, even if someone else said something, he can pretend that nothing happened.

That feeling is actually pretty good.

That's what Xiao Muchen thought in his heart, so he didn't need to think about how he was still very resistant to these things when he first started.

Anyway, wouldn't it be good if it's over?

There are so many people in my heart, and even many things, until the end, I will slowly discover that it is nothing more than that.

All he wanted to wait for was an answer.

He didn't really want to do anything, he gave himself a lot of opportunities, just like before, right and wrong.

There is no need to doubt it, his determination has already been thought of.

Give him a period of time, or let him say whatever he has to say, it will still be the same.

There was nothing to doubt, and he had always felt that way about others.

After he said a few symbolic words, you will slowly discover that Xiao Muchen's mind is not what everyone thinks.

He is not simple, or he has seen too many things, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

This should be the case. In the past, no one told him what kind of feeling it was.

Some people are very afraid of him, and for some reason, they always feel that Xiao Muchen's deterrent ability still exists.

Even if he is not on the field, after hearing his name, you will still find that the legend from back then still exists.

And the only thing that has changed may be them, but there is no need to think so clearly, anyway, it will happen sooner or later.

It proved that the things of an era did not mean much to him.

All he wanted to do was always himself.

(End of this chapter)

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