God please lie down

Chapter 1204 Maybe everything is an illusion

Chapter 1204 Maybe everything is an illusion
He will not easily comfort himself, and there is nothing to comfort him.

At such an old age, it is not a big deal to have had glory.

He has always told himself that when facing the past, he should use the most normal state of mind.

But now, he unexpectedly found that he seemed to be more nervous than the team members.

It's really getting older, and even acting is not as decisive as before.

Sometimes I don't know how to open my mouth, and some can't face such a scene.

I still remember that when someone said this to him, it still felt like a very distant thing.

He still remembered that when he first came here, he was really unfamiliar with everything.

It seems that everything you think is nothing more than that in his eyes.

Later, he no longer knew what method he used to calm himself down.

Anyway, sooner or later, he still had to face it. At that time, he really felt that no matter what, it would be left to the future before he could really think about it.

But what he didn't expect was that the past events really had nothing to do with him.

This is true for those close to you, let alone others.

At that time, he lived alone, and there were many things that he couldn't understand.

Because no matter how much you say, it doesn't make any sense. It's like the feeling that you have prepared for a long time, and then find that everything you do seems to have no meaning.It's not very common, but it's not uncommon.

He didn't know how to explain it, but it wasn't that he didn't know what to do either.

It is still very difficult for him to give up his persistence for so long.

He thought he understood enough, but when he really wanted to face the reality, he realized that it was because he hadn't let go of the obsession in his heart.

When facing these players, tell them that it doesn't matter whether they win or lose.

But he asked himself, is it really okay?
Of course not.

At this point, who doesn't want to win the trophy in the end.

But even so, when He Ji left the arena, he still said to them, Come on.

With such a simple word, they don't need anything else.

No need to comfort, let alone worry about it yourself.

They are all adults, and they should clearly know what they should do.

It is obviously impossible to put all your hopes on others.

Not to mention what was the plan at the beginning, at least at this time, He Ji was very clear about their thoughts.

He simply felt that if he calculated it this way, the longer he stayed with them, the more he could understand it.

It's not a right or wrong thing, it's just that occasionally, I still feel that there's nothing wrong with it.

I let go of my former pride, but I can still feel it. This is completely different from the past.

When I think back to the beginning, there is nothing to think about the beginning.

Now is the best time.

He Ji told himself that, even when he stepped off the stage, he unconsciously wore a smile on his face.

He told himself, don't be so nervous, it will bring this kind of emotion to the players, it is a negative emotion for them, so let yourself not be so obvious.

After all, it was nothing in itself, and he knew it, so he quickly adjusted his state.

(End of this chapter)

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