God please lie down

Chapter 1213 Don't think about it, it's okay

Chapter 1213 Don't think about it, it's okay

These few games made He Ji feel their desire.

They have been playing very seriously and looking for opportunities. Among other things, he doesn't have to think so clearly about this matter.

He has watched these players for a long time. He has watched every training match, and even all the matches. Naturally, he understands very well that in their eyes, this championship is not so far away.

When they defeated the MQ team, He Ji felt that this year, they were really promising.

The most powerful enemy is gone, and they have no problems in morale.

Don't say anything else, just say that when you think of these things, what you will realize is that you must be heading for the championship, and I think the players like them are too.

Don't think about anything else, just on this issue, it must be possible to reach an agreement.

As for what happened after that, I'm afraid it's not as clear as I thought.

He Ji didn't think about what to do in the future, but only thought about what he should do in front of him.

If you want to help them, then you should start from one point.

He is very clear about what they think and how they do it.

No one understands better than him. After getting along day and night, he may not know what everyone is thinking in their hearts, but the direction they are heading has always been the same.

This stage of the finals is a challenge for them.

And this time, they won the opportunity by themselves.

He Ji said that no matter what the final result is, even if they lose, they can still accept it.

How hard they worked, even if others didn't see it, he still clearly remembered it in his heart.

He had thought that during that time, although he still hadn't judged clearly, he could know the reason why they didn't give up easily.

The situation is even better now, and we can look forward to it.

It’s not that nothing really exists. Maybe you’ve thought about it, but you still haven’t thought about it clearly, then you can understand that this is a team game, not because of what will happen to one person.

So given you a chance, how you can grasp it is another matter.

In this world, nothing should or should not be.

No one will make any decisions for other people's lives, and time is in their hands.

As for what to think and how to make a judgment, that is their own business.

He Ji didn't want to interfere, and he didn't feel that they could think well during this period of time.

In the face of many right and wrong, you should still find your own position.Otherwise, it will only make many things more troublesome.

Not to mention whether they won the championship at the end, just talking about their aura is enough for He Ji to feel relieved for a while.

He chose to be a coach again, not for anything.

He just felt that his past choice was a bit wrong, so he wanted to make up for it, and that was nothing more than that.

There is no better answer, and it is the same when talking to others.

He understands very well that everyone has different ideas on this matter, and he also knows that after realizing all this, he will find that there are still many things that he does not know.

(End of this chapter)

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