God please lie down

Chapter 1216 So Excellent, It Can't Be Described

Chapter 1216 So Excellent, It Can't Be Described

In the past, just saying how outstanding Xiao Muchen was was not enough to describe him.

Standing there, he will attract people's attention.

In front of so many people, he can do better.

That is what Xi Nuan has always believed in, so there is no need for anything.

Because in the past, Xiao Muchen didn't say anything to Xi Nuan, and the two of them seemed to be very used to these things.

What Xi Nuan wanted was nothing more than Xiao Muchen's attitude, and if Xiao Muchen gave it, she didn't need to make trouble unreasonably.

For her, the two sides can reach a consensus on this matter.

Good or bad, it doesn't matter.

Trusting each other is the decision they should make.

The remaining right and wrong, as well as the remaining matters, can be left there.

What is there to think about, anyway, sooner or later, she still has to wait for an answer, and she doesn't believe that these things will not end in the end.

So Xi Nuan knew very clearly that since she chose to sit here today, it proved that she had thought clearly enough.

The rest has nothing to do with her, and she has no plans to do anything about it.

Xiao Muchen himself is a very thoughtful person, but he never shows it so clearly in front of Xi Nuan, and it makes people feel that many things have not actually happened yet.

But that was just an illusion. Now that I think about it, it's just because the two of them haven't seen each other in many things.

Xi Nuan shook her head. In this atmosphere, she still has time to think about these things. It seems that she has been calm for too long, and she will not be affected.

Sister Yao has always told her not to be too egotistical.

When getting along with Xiao Muchen, you can also act like a baby appropriately.

But as long as Xi Nuan thinks of the word "acting like a baby", forget it, she has never done this in her life, and it is simply a problem for herself. Among other things, her image is completely ruined, and there is nothing left The remaining ones, these are all what and what, how come she was able to live well when no one told her these things before.

Now that I said it, it made myself more difficult.

If it weren't for the fact that I was really idle and had nothing to do during this period of time, it didn't seem like this would have happened.

Xi Nuan knew very well in her heart that there must be Xiao Muchen in her story, not to mention how the two of them met in the beginning.

For now, what's the point of talking about that?

It's gone, isn't it?
It's better than anything else for the two of them to be together well, but she is still waiting for the day when she takes Xiao Muchen home to meet her parents.

The matter between the two of them will not end like this. Just relying on such a sentence, in fact, can't decide anything.

It just makes Xiao Muchen happy. Xi Nuan has always been thinking that her world is not parallel. She and Xiao Muchen have come to the present, on the one hand, because of business management, and on the other hand, because she really likes this person, likes To the point where I can't give up.

Whoever said anything to her, as long as Xiao Muchen didn't say goodbye, she would never leave.

This is not alarmist talk. When I first arrived here, I acted like I didn't understand everything. After I learned it, I realized that there is a different world.

(End of this chapter)

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