God please lie down

Chapter 1220 You Don't Know, You Don't Want To

Chapter 1220 You Don't Know, You Don't Want To

They all attached great importance to this game.

If you play well, it will be the last game. If you play badly, you may have to play the last game.

This is not a good thing to say, especially during this period of time they have been wondering whether it is because of their own reasons that the fight is so difficult.

But occasionally, when you think about it, it will make people feel that there are still many opportunities for this matter at the end.

Seeing them sitting here, they can still study clearly what they want, and even in many cases, what you can see is nothing more than you think a lot, but in the end, you realize that None of this is of any use.

At this point, there really is nothing more to say.

Xiao Muchen on stage was completely different from that off stage.

He is very cautious, and before making every decision, he must consider the current situation.

For him, this is something that cannot be lost.

I don't want to toss for such a long time, and the hero I got is still very confident.

No, he is no hero who is not confident.

Xiao Muchen is a talented player, so he is naturally different from others. For example, he does not feel inferior, or he can do a lot of things very well.

Before he thought about it, he was just doing it for his own original intention.

At this moment, he still dared to say it without thinking too much.

I didn't expect to be so famous, or what to say.

This is the real him. Fame and fortune have never been underestimated. I don't know what his wish was like at the beginning.

But now, he let everyone see that this persistence will not be without any rewards.

They could all see that in this arena, Xiao Muchen's persistence happened to be able to arouse the emotions of their teammates.

Everyone will have such a fighting spirit.

Facing any team, I didn't feel that I was afraid.

If it really happens, no one can tell who is stronger, but what he can see in front of him has always convinced Xiao Muchen that there is no reason to put all the stories on his side.

Everyone has pressure. Before they have adjusted, what they think is their business.

It's not necessary to care about it so deeply, it's enough to do what you should do.

He doesn't think about what will happen after the game is over, what he thinks is that since he is already standing on this field, he will definitely not let himself have any regrets.

In the future, when facing his face, he can also say that he was already prepared.

At this moment, his heart has always been very clear.

If we talk about the road ahead, there are still many challenges for him, so at this time, he really doesn't want to think about anything.

Usually, although I don't know what will be handed over to myself.

But since I found it, I should explain it clearly. He has changed a lot since this period of time, and there is another point that I don't know where to start.

There was also a chat between the few of them on this matter.

Then you will find that these words are completely different when they are spoken by others and what you have seen.

(End of this chapter)

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