God please lie down

Chapter 1228 Gossip, he will bear it

Chapter 1228 Gossip, he will bear it

Xiao Muchen probably didn't think about it that much at that time, because he liked someone, so he would take the initiative to think about many things.

It's not that he hadn't expected this occasion today, and he also planned it in his heart.

If one day you win the championship, then you have to admit it all in front of everyone.

He can bear the so-called gossip on his own.

But he wanted to give Xi Nuan a fair and aboveboard status. In front of so many people, he hoped that Xi Nuan could remember his promise, even if it came to any time, this was his answer.When I want to let myself let go of everything and think of nothing, I realize that there will be such a day.

He himself didn't think it had anything to do with it, as if he knew it long ago. At this time, he might become very excited as usual, but he wouldn't behave like this.

He has always been a very calm person. After the interview, all their players came on stage.

At the awards ceremony, they hugged each other tightly.

This championship means a lot to Xiao Muchen.

In the past, he thought about it, and he would remember that miss for many years.

So now, he is finally standing here, making up for his regrets.

He can stand here and tell everyone that he really did it.

But when the microphone was handed to him, he felt a little scared.

Saying this, isn't it equivalent to making an enemy for yourself?
Xiao Muchen himself is a relatively calm person in his bones, he seems indifferent to anything that happens.

I may have been excited in my heart, but it won't show on the surface.

Especially on his face, you can't see any expression.

He Ji didn't bother to guess what Xiao Muchen was thinking at the moment, but it was nothing more than that he should also be happy.

At this time, there is nothing to communicate.

They are already standing on the stage of the finals, what else can they do.

This is what other people say, that is the result, there will be nothing more.

If there is anything that needs to be determined, it is nothing more than how they will perform next season.

But this is not important, it is right to deal with the matter in front of you first.

Not to mention anything else, looking at their appearance, I am really happy for them.

I always think that when I look back, I have a lot of memories that I can let myself miss.

At that time, I had no idea that today would be here.

It's just a feeling that it's just a wish, and it's just an illusion before it's realized.

He would rather believe that no one is innocent in this matter.

But in fact, when they interviewed Xiao Muchen after the game, they said that he had a girlfriend, which was something no one thought of.

Because no matter how Xiao Muchen looked, he didn't look like an impulsive person.

Either it was an idea, or it was done on purpose.

He just wanted to declare his sovereignty for her girlfriend in front of everyone. At present, it seems that this is the only way to understand it.

Xi Nuan is indeed a nice girl, and everyone who has met her should comment like this.

It makes people happy just looking at it, and it's even more reasonable for Xiao Muchen to like her so much.

There is nothing surprising, they can all think clearly, these things, in the eyes of others, are probably due to Xiao Muchen's vision.

(End of this chapter)

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