God please lie down

Chapter 1278 Hidden Nostalgia

Chapter 1278 Hidden Nostalgia

But if this person was Xiao Muchen, it would be much easier to explain.

Xiao Muchen is born to be powerful, not acquired, so sometimes, even the talent is higher than others, so it makes people feel that there is nothing unusual about it.

Even Xiao Muchen felt that in many cases, it didn't look like he hadn't worked hard, but before he got the result he wanted, all of these were not considered success.

Yes, that's it.

His application for suspension of school also stated that he has a dream he wants to fulfill, maybe one year, maybe two years, but before he finishes it, he will have regrets in his heart.

He doesn't want to have regrets in his life, or wait until many years later, when he thinks about it, he feels that he will regret it, so he still takes advantage of the present, when he can do it, to be willful once.

He will bear all the consequences by himself.

The words were sincere, and he was originally a person with outstanding literary talents. In addition, he wrote very sincerely. After the Academic Affairs Office talked with him, he let him go directly.

There is no way, Xiao Muchen is too rational, and most of the time, he takes everything that should be considered into consideration.

That is to say, the school will not have any worries, and it is precisely because of this that Xiao Muchen is more stressed than others.

It's not that he has nothing, so he came to play professionally. In many cases, he has done more than others, and he also feels that this should be the way for him to go.

It's been such a long time, it's not that he doesn't think clearly, but at this moment, he's a little uncertain as to how he should think about it.

Moreover, in the past, although I have learned about it, I don't really understand the character of this child. Up to now, I still feel that there is a chance.

But his eyes, many people have no way to describe.

For the rest of the time, what you see is still the same.

In the end, maybe they still don't understand why things turned out like this.

But in the end there is still no difference, they are still very clear in their hearts.

He also felt that many times, it was not something that he could understand, so it was better not to interfere.

Anyway, left and right are nothing more than that, no matter what, many plans cannot be changed.

If it happened to be because of all these things, there would be no problem, it just depends on how he wants to think about it.

Now he has been given a lot of opportunities, and he still has such thoughts, so he has always been the one who didn't give up.

He thought about working hard, and even thought of many ways.

At this moment, he always understood that that was what he wanted.

So, when I left school, I didn't feel that I had lost anything.

Instead, it was me, how many things I got.

When someone supports it, even if the whole world opposes it, he can still persevere. This is him.

Anytime, anywhere, as long as you believe in yourself, it is enough.

And the rest of them, in his eyes, had no sense of existence to some extent.

In this way, it goes without saying that it can be understood.

So, even if it's useless to think about anything, at least you should have such an attitude instead of just doing it when you don't know anything.

For them, it's not the same.

(End of this chapter)

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