God please lie down

Chapter 1282 The choice is not for him

Chapter 1282 The choice is not for him

When I think so much, I still feel a little hesitant in my heart, but now I have nothing.

This should be the reason, and to put it bluntly, he also waited for this opportunity.

If it was just another person, he would not have such feelings, and he knew very well in his heart that this period of time has not been like his style, so naturally it will not end so soon.

I always feel that many times, I never seem to be at my own level, and then, I do it, but I don’t know what I should do next.

Maybe even if you think about it, it's still the case.

What it should look like, no one knows.

In the end, that's all there is to it.

For the rest of the time, how many things are still the same, don't think so much, even if you don't know, you can understand the past.

Xiao Muchen didn't think that much in the first place, what's more, for the sake of thinking about himself, he should think thoroughly.

If it is said that this is the best, it should be the person who wants to think about it, and thinks about any reason, and should be the one who wants to consider the result.

I am not afraid of not knowing anything, the most fearful thing is that I will never know how to speak, people like them happen to be the same.

Even before you think about it clearly, you will also feel that in many cases, it should be like this.

It was only later that I got to know it more and more. In this way, there was not much embarrassment for me.

This is how life is, so I understand it. It turns out that so many times, it was just like this. If it is the past, it is still quite good.

You don't need to think about anything, no matter what, the feeling in your heart will never change, even if there is something, at this moment, what you want to come is nothing more than this.

How the truth should be, who knows.

When he didn't understand, there were many people standing by his side, and then he realized that since this moment was the beginning, it wasn't from the very beginning that there was a decision, and when he said it, he realized that many The appearance is already different from before.

I think it's because they don't understand, so there is this moment of the past. After all, I don't think it. At the end, I thought a lot. Naturally, I think that if they think this way, there is no problem.

It is said that many things do not need to be thought about.

And after thinking about it, I still have to think that this moment is not the end of myself. What's more, after thinking about so many things, if I give up so easily, the hard work for so long is just for others. I'm making a wedding dress.

When I decided to continue to struggle in this arena, I should think about it, no matter what, it's still the same.

When it doesn't matter, never think about the future.

Just give yourself to time, and then make sure, it turns out that this is the best way.

As for what to do, it is better to wait for the follow-up development.

If you say it clearly, there are still people who don't believe it.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to ignore it from the very beginning, and save a lot of trouble.

Come to think of it, there won't be many problems.

That's the way to look at things. When it comes to Xiao Muchen, he naturally has his own way.

(End of this chapter)

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