God please lie down

Chapter 1294 You just have to trust me

Chapter 1294 You just have to trust me
Looking at the person beside her, Xi Nuan felt inexplicably at ease.

It turned out that earlier, I had thought about it. Many things in the past are like this at this moment.

Then, I can feel that when I am faced with many things like this, I don't feel that between right and wrong, I must come forward or something.

He simply felt that this should be the case, so he didn't have to think about it.

As for the next thing, I didn't think about it.

Let's go out and play first, the next thing is a different situation.

When you come to yourself, it has nothing to do with it.

There are still many stories that he doesn't want to know, and at this time, there may be many that you don't understand.

Xi Nuan didn't have anything to ask, she was just like that.

She doesn't have too many troubles, so she lives happily. When others talk to her, she also feels that there is nothing too much to do.

Anyway, she doesn't care what the truth of the matter is.

As long as Xiao Muchen said it, she would feel happy, it should be like this.

At first, I thought it was my fault.

Later, when I calmed down, my mood improved a lot, so I stopped thinking about it.

It's meaningless in itself, and I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing for such a person to appear in my own world.

Later, after being with Xiao Muchen, I suddenly felt motivated.

Life is no longer what it used to be, meaningless at all.

Then when I thought about it clearly, I felt that it didn't matter.

It is definitely good to be with this person, whether it was before or now, I have never doubted anything, if this is the case, there will be no problems.

When they first came, they really didn't want to think about anything, but later they realized that they can really not care about anything after letting go of the people in the past.

Even at that time, her heart was not very clear.

I still feel that this is my own glory. The reason why I think so is that many times, even if I have never thought about the past, it is only when I have this thought that I can know that the past, In my heart, I still showed a lot of demeanor.

Let go of the years, and still think about it, it turns out that living together feels so good.

When Xiao Muchen and Xi Nuan were at the airport, they were holding hands.

It's true, it looks like a good relationship.

Not to mention anything else, but anyone who knows the two of them knows that they are already used to being like this.

Otherwise, it shouldn't be like this.

Speaking of it, I don't think it's a pity. Anyway, they always have to go through everything.

I won't stay here because of these, just like in life, there are still so many dreams to chase, and I won't get carried away because of temporary success.

This definitely does not exist. A person like Xiao Muchen is too calm.

When they are convinced that there are no problems along the way, it is already a later thing.

Now that I think about it, it really doesn't matter.

If it's all in the past, you don't need to care about it.

After all, how many things, at this moment, are much simpler.

They didn't think about it, and they didn't plan to think about it. This time, whether it was for themselves or for others, they didn't seem to be able to tell.

(End of this chapter)

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