God please lie down

Chapter 1297 I Don't Know What You're Thinking

Chapter 1297 I Don't Know What You're Thinking

Sometimes it feels like a dream.

When you don't know, you can't understand anything at all.

Only when you are convinced that you didn’t think so much, you can know that the past is really not convinced, you can know, let yourself take a step back, otherwise, it will be true, and you dare not think about anything.

They don't have to think about whether there is something in the memory or not, just look at it like this, and it's still the same.

I didn't understand anything else, and I didn't even dare to think about it.

Sitting at the airport, Xi Nuan and Xiao Muchen looked like they were a match made in heaven. This kind of appearance is not something you can see anywhere.

If it weren't for their attire, which blocked their appearance, at this moment, some scouts would come over to have a look, and by the way, scout someone.

There is no way, people with good looks do have willful capital. On this point, there seems to be no need to doubt anything.

Xi Nuan sat down next to Xiao Muchen, the two of them held hands and did not speak.

I was a little tired, and when I came here, I sat in the car for more than an hour.

No way, it's a bit far from the airport.

Xi Nuan is airsick in nature, before agreeing to come out to play with Xiao Muchen, he was also a little scared.

It is estimated that after the two of them get off the plane, they will find a hotel and lie down for a day.

Originally, Xiao Muchen said that he could buy other tickets, and there was no need to take the plane, but Xi Nuan thought about it, it would definitely be a waste of time.

She didn't want to waste all her time on the road, so she still chose the ticket.

Even if there are any problems, it doesn't matter, it will be fine if you take a rest at that time.

I really don't have to think so much in my heart, let alone put so much burden on myself.

Although it is not the first time I have experienced these things, but someone is waiting for me like this, really, for a while, I don't know what to say.

He seemed to have already understood something at the beginning.

But so far, in many stories, those who can and cannot think should be put at the end.

There have been so many stories in my heart, but at the end, I will let you understand. It turns out that you may understand the right and wrong, but it may not be clear.

Even a person like Xi Nuan hides his own warmth in his heart.

Naturally, when thinking of these things, there will still be a lot of excitement in my heart.

It would be ridiculous to say these words to others, but if it was her own words, she would know that this is not like a compromise, but from the very beginning, she has found what she should go to. way of doing things.

No more talking, no more thinking.

She is willing to accompany Xiao Muchen, even if it takes forever.

Maybe this is the power of love, let her know that in the past years, because she didn't meet this person, she didn't know what to do.

But at this moment, she also thought about a problem for a long time before she suddenly figured it out clearly, so naturally she couldn't pass it like this.

Not everyone's life can be like them, and not all stories can wait for an ending at this point.

No one is sure about what should be said, what should not be said, whether it is like this.

That's why I feel that, whether it was in the past or now, there hasn't been much change.

(End of this chapter)

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