God please lie down

Chapter 1304 You can choose to be with you

Chapter 1304 You Can Choose To Be With You

And what he looks like now seems to prove something.

Good or bad, it's all shared by two people.

It is true that there is nothing, whether you know it or not, how much influence it will have on him.

It is inevitable that when I think about it, I still stay in the past.

There is no need to think about such a story before it is clearly explained.

Moreover, everyone felt that this story must be much more exciting.

Don't say it doesn't mean you don't understand anything.

Maybe some things are like this. When they don't talk about it, the two of them don't think so much in their hearts. At the end, they just feel that there is really nothing to do between this matter and him. I thought, this kind of story is still the same wherever it goes.

There was never any thought between them.

The story at that time, but all the past now, can still be explained clearly. It is not that whoever thinks about it can have an idea.

Xiao Muchen knew that it might be a little wrong to think so, but at this moment, he couldn't care so much anymore.

He is not a person who thinks too much, especially at the beginning, he absolutely did not think about what to do, what he planned in his heart, he just did what he did, there was no perfunctory, and he did not think about it. How about the past.

There is really no difference between the things at that time and now, among other things, at this moment, you can still think a lot.

It turns out that everyone has such a weakness in their hearts, you may not know it, or you may act as if you have never encountered it.

But you can't deny his existence, yes, that's how it is.

All things, at this moment, he only thinks so much, and it always seems that he has known so many people, and in the end, all he can do is nothing more than that.

There is nothing more than others, and I have never realized how many plans I still have in my heart at this moment. Life is just like this, and everything you know is still the same, without any changes.

At this moment, when you think about it, you feel that it is the real self. Xiao Muchen has thought about a lot of things in his heart, but at this moment, he is too embarrassed to say it.

He had no idea what he was supposed to say at that time.

Just imagine that at the beginning, I prepared a lot, and at the end, I realized that, so be it, there is nothing wrong with it.

It was only later that I felt that this time, I seemed to have found out what I should do from the very beginning.

Don't think about it, don't even want to understand it.

At this moment, you will know that the most is nothing more than that when two people sit together, you don't have to think about anything, maybe that's all.

If you really want to say it, then you have a lot of words, and you put them in your heart.

Life has never been so simple that it can be described clearly. Before Xiao Muchen became a professional, he also had a lot of ideas, but at the end, he still gave up.

He felt that for many things, when it came to him, there would be no chance.

If so, why bother to think so much.

Anyway, sooner or later, I still have to think about it. This time, I thought about it a little more, so it doesn't seem to matter.

Since this is the case, there is no need to understand it so clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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