God please lie down

Chapter 1306 Just Being With You

Chapter 1306 Just Being With You
Still the same story, but different people.

Who knows, that's all there is to it.

At the beginning, they didn't know it, but later, they suddenly remembered it, and later, they just didn't know.

I haven't thought about these things, and I never know how much the follow-up things will affect me.

People like them are nothing more than that.

I didn't think about it a lot, and I never knew how many thoughts I would have in my heart at this moment.

When they were thinking this way, it was inevitable that they still had some thoughts in their hearts. In the end, even if they didn't say it out, they still harbored the longing for everything in their hearts. At this moment, it was very obvious.

Xiao Muchen said that a person like himself actually doesn't understand many things.

It's just that he is afraid. In many cases, he understands or doesn't understand, and he can't figure out what the relationship is. He is afraid of hurting the people around him.

So when doing things, be very cautious, and it seems that you have already thought it through.

But it’s not like this, so it can be.

They never knew how to explain all this when they couldn't explain it in the past.

As you know, Xiao Muchen is indeed full of confidence, but after that, he doesn't know.

Just thinking about something, it seems that there is no way to explain everything in front of him. For him, this is not the best.

But it's not the worst, he was even able to understand that in many cases, when he was struggling, he still had a lot of thoughts, but at the end, he suddenly felt that this was not like the last thought.

At least for now, it's not what he should be doing.

As far as the current situation is concerned, there seems to be nothing wrong.

But after that, it was something no one had thought about.

They themselves have never considered these, and they have never known how many stories are left at this moment.

Maybe even if you really know, it doesn't matter.

After all, at that time, they never thought of these things.

Since I already knew that such a thing would happen, what else should I care about.

Earlier, it should be explained clearly, so there is no need to understand or not understand.

As far as the present is concerned, this moment is the most important.

You have thought it through, and it turns out that this is what you should want to do.

At the end, give yourself a chance, even after thinking about the result so much, what you are most afraid of is that your people are not around.

That feeling is not very good.

I don't want this kind of thing to happen, so since I felt it from the beginning, don't think about it so much.

How much of the past, how many words there are, should be explained clearly, not like now, when I never knew, I realized that this is what I want.

Then, I realized that the original time and place never need to think so much.

When they don't know, there are still many things that will happen.

Maybe this is the truth, there is no need to say it so clearly, and there is no need to understand anything.

At this moment, there are many things you need to understand, and how many thoughts you have, so that you have not yet expressed them.

(End of this chapter)

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