God please lie down

Chapter 1310 Convinced Of The Right Thing

Chapter 1310 Convinced Of The Right Thing
It's like what you should do and what you should say, all belong to your own way, and then you find out that this is how it is.

In the past, it was because I thought too much, but now I understand everything.

That's why I said, don't think so clearly, for yourself, all the stories are nothing more than this, there is no change, and you have never thought of the past. At this moment, you will believe that the original thing is the same as yourself. For the same reason.

They didn't think about anything else, or they knew something long ago.

Only then can I know that at this moment, it is my relationship, so it seems that this is the case.

Even if all the time is here, it's still like this if, when you are not sure, all you know is nothing more than this kind of story, he doesn't plan to know so much.

Moreover, even if there is something to do, sooner or later there will still be a lot to say.

At this moment, you will believe, and never doubt anything.

Because at the beginning, it was planned like this. It is indeed not advisable for them to do this without thinking about the result.

But at the end, you will be able to understand, but everything will be like this, but it has been determined from the beginning, it should not be like this.

They didn't think about it so much, they just thought they felt it from the very beginning, all the stories, and even when they thought of the future, they never considered so many thoughts in their hearts.

At this moment, what you think is nothing more than this.

No matter what, at this moment, I can still know that many years ago, I already had such a plan.

In their hearts, they still miss the past, and even think a lot, but they don't know where to think of it.

"I will come to this place because I feel that the scenery of this place is very beautiful. A long time ago, I might have wanted to bring you here, but it has been delayed until now. Do you still remember the time when I was with you? Said, I want to take you out for a walk."

"This is the place."

Originally, Xiao Muchen chose something else, but later, he finally decided on this place.

When I simply didn't think that way, I didn't know what was going on in my heart.

I always feel that things like this, even at the end, when everything is uncertain, even if there are some ups and downs in life, there is no need to think about any problems.

At this time, they should have the same idea in their hearts.

It's better to leave this kind of problem for later.

Xiao Muchen himself is not a person who thinks too much, and he still is now, even when he thinks too much, he can still feel that at this moment, he really didn't think about the major events of life.

I still feel that compared with the past, I am afraid that there are many differences in this self.

There are many differences and many stories waiting for me.

Although it is said that he has known it for a long time, but at this time, it seems that he does not understand it as well as he thinks.

It is said that in the past, they were not here, but only because of the past, they are not sure about these.

At this moment, the feeling in his heart was still very real.

That's it, there's nothing wrong with it.

Moreover, even if you think about it, it should have a lot to do with the past.

(End of this chapter)

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