God please lie down

Chapter 1331 How can there be any why

Chapter 1331 How can there be any why

It seems that when she is standing here, she will see that at that time, she has already thought about everything.

And what is related to me is all in the past.

At that time, even if I didn't think about anything, but in the end, it must exist.

So, there is no need to think about it at all.

Anyway, it's still a story, and before it's over, what everyone sees is just an illusion.

He comforted himself in this way, so Xiao Muchen was in good condition before the competition.

He will seriously remember what you say to him.

But how to do it is his own choice, and no one else can intervene.

No one wants to really think about what to do, but when I think about it occasionally, I still feel that many things in the past, at this moment, are nothing more than that.

No matter how much you talk about it, it seems like it never happened. Isn't that making yourself unhappy?
They didn't think too much about it, they just had the attitude they should have when facing the champion.

After all, it has been their dream for so many years, or in other words, they have had such an idea since they became professional players.

Up to now, it is still the best age, the best of them, when they hold the trophy, there are still bright smiles on their faces.

All of this is unnecessary to think about, because it is a fact.

Xiao Muchen himself knew that this would be the case, but usually, he would rather pretend that he didn't know.

In this way, it was full of unknowns instead, and then gave myself a lot of thoughts to worry about.

At this moment, it should be unnecessary to think about it.

Even if I really thought about something, I never thought about it before.

All the stories before that, at this moment, should be understood, there is no end.

From their point of view, there should still be many problems that have not been realized.

Generally, when you think this way, you will inevitably feel that all of this is related to yourself, and there is a lot to do with it.

As for what happens next, that's another matter.

There will always be someone who will appear in front of him and tell him who should have something to do with such a thing.

Simply because they didn't plan to think a lot, it's just because what they discovered during this period of time was only right.

The next thing is what I should think about. When I don't think about it, I don't have to witness so many whys in my head.

Of course, when things come to this moment, they should still have some ideas.

When you are not sure, you will inevitably find it. It turns out that in the past, I really thought about it. At that time, even if I really thought about something, there was nothing I could do before I said it. Achieved.

A person like her would also have a lot of helplessness, wouldn't she?
If you don't say it at this moment, you will tell yourself in the next second. By the way, tell them that this is what I should know after thinking about it for so long.

Not wrong, not right.

At least when I think about it, I'm still standing here.

If there is any relationship, it is better to say it directly.

Anyway, sooner or later, he still has to come to this point, even Xiao Muchen himself said the same thing, he can ignore it, but there is no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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