God please lie down

Chapter 1338 Never changes because of these

Chapter 1338 Never changes because of these
There are obviously better choices, but even grandma supports him, but for some reason, in their eyes, it becomes a non-business.

Xiao Muchen is also very helpless, but behind his helplessness, it will not affect his decision.

The way he walks is always on his own.

And before that, he hadn't even thought about how different the story this time was from his own.

When I don't think about it, I'm afraid it's because I don't understand clearly that I have such thoughts.

Now I already know it, but if you give yourself a chance, you should think that there are still many difficulties you will encounter in the future.

In the family, in the society, you may not be able to escape from all aspects.

I always think that if I don't think about it, I can pretend it didn't happen.

Now, the reality made me more convinced, this time, it was useless to say anything.

No matter how you change everything, someone has to accept it.

No one, just my own monologue.

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter, you do it quickly, I'm going to starve to death."

The two of them talked for a long time because of these irrelevant issues, and found that the answer to the question was not found, but the time was wasted.

I always feel that this matter is very different from what I think, but I don't know where the difference is.

I still remember that when I first started, I had already thought about these abnormal things, so don't let yourself feel that there is something wrong.

But if you think simple in your heart, you probably won't have so many problems.

Because of my relationship, many people were involved.

"Okay, then go and sit for a while, or you can watch TV."

Xiao Muchen always felt that if Xi Nuan continued to watch like this, he might not be able to eat today's meal. Don't ask him why, it's just a feeling.

When the person you like praises you in front of you, can you still have any thoughts on cooking?

That is naturally impossible, so Xiao Muchen has to face this kind of problem.

He was thinking about what to do, but when Xi Nuan was standing here, he just looked at her.

There is nothing left.

Xiao Muchen does not waste time cooking, but the premise is that there are no other factors affecting him.

Just like the current situation, his whole person is not very good.

"I see. I'll go out right away. Do your best. I won't bother you."

Xi Nuan grinned, and quickly walked away.

She was about to starve to death, so there was nothing wrong with her, and she wouldn't have trouble with her own stomach.

Otherwise, isn't he the one who is hungry?
Xi Nuan thought about it, weighed the pros and cons, and decided to do what she likes.

Anything else, put it aside.

What's the matter, wait until you're full.

Anyway, there is a lot of time, so let yourself watch it slowly, it is also very good.

What goes far and wide is never one's own life, but life.

Since she was ready, it was very clear.

With Xiao Muchen by his side, he naturally wouldn't think about anything else.

I hope that all the time is given to him, and it has nothing to do with thinking. I just think that it should be like this.

And the rest, there is nothing wrong with it.

After Xi Nuan went out, Xiao Muchen's speed returned to the beginning.

He learned to cook systematically for a period of time, and then studied it for a period of time by himself, which is why he has the current cooking skills.

(End of this chapter)

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