God please lie down

Chapter 1349 Not sure

Chapter 1349 Not sure
When you can't find a reason, it's okay to talk about something else.

Anyway, it's not like before. If you can't find a definite answer, you can only watch all this helplessly.

Wouldn't that be cruel to him?
Those are very profound things, but they are just a few of them, they don't know anything, and occasionally they can feel some different feelings.

If you put yourself in the situation and think about it, you can feel the things inside, it's not that simple.

"Is this movie that good?"

When Xiao Muchen returned to the living room after cleaning up, he saw Xi Nuan staring at the screen intently, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Those who were so focused thought they saw something they particularly liked, but in fact there was nothing.

"I'm not interested in anything without you attracting me."

Xiao Muchen walked over and sat down, and said after a while, "I thought you couldn't talk about love, but I found that when you talk about love, I'm afraid even I would be willing to bow down."

Xiao Muchen didn't think of saying anything at first, but now it seems that many things are different from what he thought.

It seems that Xi Nuan doesn't need to think about anything else.

She knew everything by herself, and although she never told herself, she was also a person with ideas.

Those who think about it, don't think about it, don't necessarily have to think about something.

In other words, it should be repaid by myself, and I dare not think about anything.

Maybe even if there is a relationship, it's not such a statement, and, earlier, Xiao Muchen had already made many things very clear.

He couldn't help but not think about these things, even if he thought about it clearly, he had to have a specific plan.

Instead of just talking about it from my own mouth, no matter how difficult the things in it are, there must be someone to listen to them.

They still understand this truth.

But after that, I don't know.

No one is willing to think about these things willingly, and even if they are really forced to this level, there are not many surprises.

They are not the kind of people who think this way, and they don't even dare to keep these things in their hearts, instead of feeling that they must feel it. There is really no reason to consider this matter.

There is still not much that can be thought of, but there is already a lot that can be done.

These words have never been said to Xi Nuan, he thinks he can figure it out on his own, and before these things, he didn't plan to say them himself.

No matter who the person standing in front of him is, he doesn't want to ask for any help.

It's true that he is such a person, and it doesn't mean he has to think about something.

Sometimes I can feel the kindness from this world.

He is also very afraid that what he knows is not very obvious, and he always feels that this should be his own business, and it has nothing to do with other people's understanding. When he thinks about it, he can still feel it.

Things that have persisted have not changed much so far.

Maybe it's because of this that I can see that even if I think about it, there is no reason.

It is really because of these words that there is really no disturbance.

Most of the time, he was thinking about whether his actions would bring about any bad results.

(End of this chapter)

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