God please lie down

Chapter 1353 You help me score

Chapter 1353 You help me score

Whether it is his own problem or not, Xi Nuan is no longer willing to think about it.

She just simply felt that this kind of words might not be believed by others, but she was different.

She is a person who understands everything, but when it comes to matters related to feelings, she always seems to be a little abnormal.

All understanding is based on mutual understanding between two people.

Like them, but not like others.

I thought it was nothing to think about.

Now it is time to be clearer. I am afraid that they will not want to see this problem if it is thrown at them.

They are like this, but they give people a better excuse.

There are so many words that are not suitable to be discussed here.

At the beginning, I didn't talk about these things because the time hasn't come yet.

But now because of what, I didn't think clearly for a while.

Are people who have light in their eyes attracted to others?
He also asked himself this question, but it seemed that there were still many things that he didn't want to understand.

It's like when it's something related to me, I feel that it should be like this.

It's not like before, the so-called ignorance of everything, and I haven't given myself any definite reason, just relying entirely on my own imagination, and I don't want to know anything.

I really can't figure out why there must be such a story.

No matter how you calculate it, it should be between each other, relying on enough understanding, to know their mutual stories, instead of thinking about it, to know how far the truth will be.

All in all, there is no need for him to say or think about the things inside.

It is only when you rely on your own feelings that people realize that this is not a bad thing.

Once they think this way, they must feel the warmth of others towards them.

In fact, there is really no need to think too much about it.

All people, and even all things, will only be able to start at the beginning.

Those who understand, those who don’t understand, probably found it long ago.

Moreover, during that period of time, I hadn't thought about anything else about these things for a long time.

You still have to think about yourself at any time.

Whatever they think, or think about it, but still don't understand, it seems that there is a lot of relationship between these and him.

"I don't want to fight with you anymore, do you want to watch it together? This is quite interesting."

"No, I'm going to play two games to keep my hand feeling."

Xiao Muchen is a very dedicated professional player, even when he is playing outside, he will play twice.

He is a person who must ensure that his state will not decline, otherwise there is no way to explain.

It's useless to talk too much.

Moreover, he should have used these words and the same reason.

It's not that I can't find the reason, or even think about it, but it's not as simple as thinking about it.

Rather, they always feel that if they make it clear, it's fine.

As for the rest, just study slowly.

After hearing what Xiao Muchen said, Xi Nuan immediately handed over her mobile phone, "No, here you go, go score."

Xi Nuan found a good job for Xiao Muchen, and after Xiao Muchen took it over, he simply smiled.

He didn't have a temper with Xi Nuan, and he often did such things as getting points.

Anyway, he didn't know how many numbers he had in his hand.

It may be that I have thought about it, but I haven't been able to think clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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