God please lie down

Chapter 1357 Not very persistent

Chapter 1357 Not very persistent
Xi Nuan's movies are watched very slowly, mainly because he needs to think about the plot for a while.

Otherwise, if you write a review later, you may not know what you wrote.

After handing it in, the professor immediately revealed the truth when he asked.

Xi Nuan has always been a good boy in the teacher's mind, the kind who has great potential and has a bright future.

But thinking about it now, Xiao Muchen is the one who really has the courage.

Dare to drop out of school and come to work professionally, such a person, I am afraid that one out of 1 people will not be able to pick one.

Many people expressed their incomprehension to his actions, but fortunately, Xiao Muchen didn't need others to understand.

Because even his parents couldn't understand what he was doing, but from Xiao Muchen's point of view, it was nothing more than that he had done everything, so was he still afraid of others talking about it?

Certainly not, what other people say is of no use to him and cannot affect his next decision. It is nothing more than preparing him for a lot of stumbling blocks during his life journey.

But after thinking about it, there seems to be nothing.

They didn't consider this before because they still don't know whether the next thing is their relationship or someone else.

But now, it is clear.

Even if you don't say anything, you will still leave a deep impression on people.

In this way, no matter what to do, no matter what.

This matter should have been like this, so why bother to add so much trouble to myself.

Only when you have thought about it long ago will you feel that things are not like this, and you will be able to see something.

When they thought about it, they already understood all this very well.

As far as the relationship here is concerned, there is nothing to understand.

Xi Nuan has been confident enough about her own life for such a long time, she also thought about it, if it was someone else's words, she might have thought about it a lot before she made it clear, But for now, that's all.

What's more, it is very meaningful to her to spend every moment and every second with Xiao Muchen.

If that's the case, don't worry about anything else.

I have proved that my heart is here, and I have a belonging.

After that, you don't have to think about it.

After all, even if you think about it, you can't think of a better way.

Xi Nuan heard the sound of the game ending beside him, and as expected, he won.

Xiao Muchen casually took an account to increase points, fearing that he would be reported as a power leveling.

He's so good, and a little too powerful.

No, it's not a bit powerful, it's very powerful, at least it's outstanding that ordinary people can't think of.

Speaking of many operations, it is actually more difficult than he thought, but Xiao Muchen can easily show off the audience.

Whether it's the usual ranking, or during the competition, his habits will be difficult to change for a while.

But the only thing to remember is that every one of his ideas is still very rare.

I don't know what his consciousness is like, Xi Nuan sometimes hears him say it, but when he thinks about it, he feels that if he were himself, the actual operation should be inferior to Xiao Muchen.

At this point, she is inferior, and that is the truth.

Anything else can be left for later.

No matter how they look, they all seem to be very similar people, but sometimes, I still don't know why I was not very attached to these things at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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