God please lie down

Chapter 1360 That's what it should be

Chapter 1360 That's what it should be
Xiao Muchen has confidence in himself, that kind of confidence is not blind self-confidence without reason, but the answer that he has already thought clearly.

He has said long ago that he has absolute dominance over these matters.

Among other things, doing things is to seek peace of mind. Even if he doesn't know anything, it's not surprising that he has such an understanding.

The person sitting next to him is the person he likes. If he can restrain himself, it will be abnormal.

Xiao Muchen usually would not spend his thoughts on such things, he was too clear, and because of his clarity, he would not let himself fall into a passive state.

The journey with Xi Nuan is not considered ups and downs, but those who should know know it.

Friends in his circle, parents forget it.

There wasn't much communication between Xiao Muchen and them, they were the kind of people who might not be very happy to go home during the Chinese New Year.

The relationship with my parents is absolutely rigid.

Xiao Muchen didn't like talking to them very much, and his parents didn't understand him very well.

The two sides insisted on their own views, and then reached the point where it was out of control.

It's not that Xiao Muchen is indifferent to family affection, when grandma is around, he is very good.

When I first started working professionally, I was very busy, but I still chose to fly around to see my grandma.

But his parents just couldn't understand him, and when they met, they pointed at him and scolded him.

No matter how good-tempered Xiao Muchen was, he couldn't help killing it like this.

So the relationship became weaker and weaker. When Xiao Muchen went back every year, he would still think about bringing gifts to his parents.

But in their eyes, it seems that their son is gone, and they don't even have a phone call on weekdays.

Communication is all about imagination, no, not even imagination.

To be precise, they are all busy with their own affairs.

Xiao Muchen didn't have the heart to take care of those things, when he was free, he might as well play two more games.

Looking at others is not always as enjoyable as looking at yourself.

Even he himself didn't know what he was thinking. It always felt like his own story had already begun to end before it even started.

In Xiao Muchen's heart, it's not that he doesn't care at all, otherwise, he probably wouldn't have done these things himself.

Thinking about it now, maybe I was still young at that time, so I didn't think about so many things.

Now that I think about it, I feel that I have missed a lot of things.

But now it seems that it is not so important.

Everything related to me is already in front of me, and the rest, let them be the past.

Xiao Muchen can still look forward to life, and after having someone he likes, this feeling is even better than before.

Before he even said his reaction, Xi Nuan already understood.

Tacit understanding, that's how it came about.

When I didn't think about it before, I didn't seem to consider what the situation was.

This time, I understood a little better, and instead made my own world more dazzling.

This change is good in itself.

Needless to say, Xiao Muchen didn't need to prepare anything at all.

Everything is going with the flow, it seems that it has been well thought out long ago, and then it takes a long time to feel leisurely that this is the attitude that one's own world should have.

Do not fight or grab, it is your own, it is your own.

It wasn't his, and he didn't bother to pay more attention to Shi Shi.

Those who are familiar with Xiao Muchen know this, and they must be very clear, don't touch his brow if you have nothing to do.

(End of this chapter)

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