God please lie down

Chapter 1369 You Don't Know These Things

Chapter 1369 You Don't Know These Things
In his world, to see so many things is nothing more than to forget a lot.

At that time, did I really understand everything, or that there were many times when I couldn’t remember anything, and when I didn’t know, it was still very difficult for me to be convinced of the whole story of these things of.

He doesn't believe that all the stories will end at that moment, more often, he believes that there is still room for redemption.

Everything you want can be realized, and all the reasons before that are useless.

He hopes that everyone can trust him instead of accusing him.

In many cases, so many things happened before I knew it, and I didn't seem to understand the rest.

They thought for a long time, but they still felt that even if they had a lot of thoughts in their hearts, at least they would not be able to see them until the end. This is not what he wanted.

That kind of life, for me, is a challenge in itself.

And the rest of the people, the rest of the things, are still like this. Before thinking about it, they have to be prepared.

Otherwise, the rest of the road will not be easy.

When you meet these people, you will know that time has already stopped. For him, when you can't think clearly, don't easily think that this is your life.

Xi Nuan and Xiao Muchen each occupied a room, and after washing up, they went back to their rooms.

After saying goodnight to each other, there was no other interaction.

As far as the way these two people get along, most people really don't know much about it.

Even when they don't think about anything, they still trust each other very much.

But it would be wrong to say that they don't care about anything.

Xiao Muchen often thinks about Xi Nuan, this is something that everyone knows.

They didn't think about it that much, and they even thought about it a long time ago, not necessarily what they need to do.

When it is really unexpected, there is no need to think about it, anyway, you will see it sooner or later.

It's not bad at this moment. If they follow what they want to say, they still feel that in many cases, it is still better for two people to be together. There are still many things that can be solved.

Sometimes it seems very complicated, but in the future, you will understand that it is not necessary to do so much by yourself, but to be able to figure it out when it is time, this is what you want.

They can think of so much, no matter how much, there will be nothing.

Moreover, such a thing, even if it really has something to do with it, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, sooner or later, you still have to see it to understand, what you can realize, in the hearts of others, is nothing more than that.

I believe that all the stories can still be told clearly at this time, and they are even taken for granted.

But this is not the case for him, because most of the time, he has never thought about these things, so he feels that such things, even if they come to him, are still the same.

Only when there are not many changes can we realize that it has always been like this.

She didn't believe it, so she didn't quite understand it.

Even if something really happened, it can be said that it never happened.

(End of this chapter)

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