God please lie down

Chapter 1371 This is not a fault

Chapter 1371 This is not a fault

Not all the stories have no solution, and, if I think about it, I feel that it was a mistake.

When Xi Nuan went to sleep, all he thought in his mind was that today is indeed a memorable day.

Even if they didn't go out for sightseeing, the two of them can play games together, isn't that enough?
The number of times Xiao Muchen and Xi Nuan played games together is really very few.

You don't need to think about anything else, but the peaceful life now makes him think a lot.

You don't have to have too much relationship with yourself, and you don't even have to think so obviously.

Just relying on the memories in his head is enough.

It didn't matter whether he thought about it or not, or, he knew this a long time ago, and then he could understand something when he gave it to himself. They didn't have to find any relationship, but in this Sometimes, there will be many problems in itself.

Still thinking about whether it is such a relationship, at the end, after all, there is still nothing left for myself.

They also don't want to see it that way, but if they are really given a chance, then it's not like they're unprepared.

Once you think about this, you will let yourself understand that in many cases, before you make preparations, you can only rely on your own problems, and after thinking about it, you will still think that this matter, It's not like having too much relationship with myself.

He doesn't know it until the end, and he won't understand it very well, just like what he knows. In many cases, even if he can have something, it's just because he doesn't know it very well, but he wants to After thinking about it, you can still think about it. In many cases, it can be regarded as your own decision.

I really don't know how much of the relationship there is. Even if I really consider all this, I still have to think about it. At the beginning, what I can understand is nothing more than that.

The thoughts they entrusted to themselves, at this moment, are nothing left.

Moreover, I feel more and more that even if you have experienced a lot of scenery on the way, there are not many things you can think of.

What's more, it has something to do with feelings, and no one can figure it out.

If it was him, it would still be the same.

When Xiao Muchen was lying on the bed, he knew he couldn't sleep.

As for the reason, I am used to going to bed late. When I was at the base, I had to train very late every night.

Once a biological clock is formed, it seems difficult to change it.

Xiao Muchen had thought about this before, after all, he hadn't shown it so clearly in school, and he himself knew that sleep was very important.

But most of the time, he can't do it. Many things he can think about can't be realized at this moment.

Since this is the case, I can let myself know more.

It's not that he would say something like this when he didn't understand anything, but he felt quite indifferent.

It took him a long time to realize that this matter really has nothing to do with it.

Once you let go, you will feel that this is quite good, and after thinking about it, you will be able to understand that this is nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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