God please lie down

Chapter 1381 Who Has Thought So Much

Chapter 1381 Who Has Thought So Much
Xiao Muchen stood beside Xi Nuan, watching her gaze at him.

Suddenly he started laughing, like that, really, he didn't think about anything.

Then Xi Nuan forgot what he wanted to say just now.

This story is really sad, every time I see Xiao Muchen, I feel like a nympho, often unable to say anything.

Just staring at him blankly, nothing.

I can't say anything, and I don't want to say anything.

I just want to look at him, nothing else.

Always remember what you want.

It is also said that in many cases, you don't need to think about it.

There will always be people who think that Xi Nuan is very difficult to get along with, and they don't know why, but it is clear that she is a very talkative person and doesn't think about anything.

Even if you think about something, there is no story.

When the two first met, Xi Nuan also took the initiative to move forward.

She was never afraid, because in her heart, Xiao Muchen was a good person.

Probably the first time we met, I saved my dog's life.

So I have a very good impression of him, I remember his eyes.

It's easy for people to sink in and think about nothing.

Time stopped in an instant, and he would also trace his eyes.

After repeating it many times, even Xi Nuan himself felt that the only bit of patience he had was spent on Xiao Muchen.

There is no need to think about this at all, just because that person is him, you can think about nothing.

Xi Nuan is the most taboo in his daily life. Some people will affect his emotions.

That's not a good thing, because she was very afraid that she would be influenced by others, so she has been trying her best to avoid it.

But it doesn't seem to matter now, if that person is Xiao Muchen, it can only be said that there is nothing wrong with it.

This person will only affect him in a good way, and he has adjusted himself for the rest before he can tell Xi Nuan.

There is nothing wrong with her at all, what good influence can it have.

In the past, Xi Nuan was a good girl, and in the eyes of her parents, she was someone who could achieve great things.

Now, she doesn't think about it at all, and she doesn't think about how to glorify her ancestors, that's not suitable for her.

It's not like the road she would choose. Even if her road is not smooth, at least it is not the one arranged by her parents.

She is very clear about what needs to be done in the future.

I also made up my mind to go this way.

Others' obstruction, there is no way for her to just say that and forget it.

Xi Nuan is the kind of person whose family generally thinks that she is a very stubborn person. Whenever she has no idea or has an idea, she will definitely stick to it.

At this time, don't dangle in front of her easily.

It's useless to brush up on presence, and she won't take another look at it because of it.

She is like this, sometimes can become very cold.

But there is only one thing, she has identified the person who will spend the rest of her life with her, and she will be in love with her forever.

She won't leave without first being told to.

When the sky falls, she will be by her side.

This can be regarded as her own promise. When she decides what to do, she can stop thinking so much.

Don't put too much pressure on yourself, try to trust someone.

That person was Xiao Muchen, and only then did he feel that everything in the world had lost its color.

(End of this chapter)

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