God please lie down

Chapter 1384 is still clear

Chapter 1384 is still clear

He has always understood it this way, whether he really wants to think about something or not, he doesn't need to think so much.

Moreover, when we first met, no one knew that such a day would come.

Their feelings, or thoughts, are not that important.

When I think about these things in my heart, I also feel confused.

But it doesn't come to the end that you can clearly see something.

At the end, someone would suddenly stand up and tell them that this was the way it was supposed to be.

It doesn't matter what you think when you first start, it doesn't matter too much.

He used to feel that it would not be his business.

But now, Xiao Muchen finally felt that after the incident, there was really no need to think about it.

Things have already been found a way, so there is no need to prove anything.

When you have a heart in life, you feel that whatever you do is good.

He didn't want to, and he didn't want to understand that in many cases, even a moment, a look was enough.

He thought so much, and in his own time, he would also find better ones.

If you think about it, you will realize that it is not very perfect.

When he was looking for that road, he should have encountered many things.

He didn't care if it had something to do with him or not, he just thought that if he really got to this point, it didn't seem to matter at all. If they could think this way, it meant that they had already thought about it very clearly.

Even at the end, I can still think that in a lot of time, even if I have a different choice from myself, it is not enough to support all this.

If you want him to forget, something must have happened at the beginning, otherwise, it would be meaningless.

He has thought about whether he really thought of something at that time.

Looking at Xi Nuan, I felt that I was already very happy.

I don't think about anything, and I don't want to have so many thoughts. Even if I really know something, I don't think there is anything wrong.

Standing here and being able to see him is already satisfying.

They think this way because they have their own ideas. In the end, even if they don't say anything, it is absolute.

"Don't look at me like that. I feel that many times, although you talk, but you look at me, I feel that I can't think of anything."

This is a fact, you don’t need to think about anything, as long as you think about this person in your heart, that’s it.

She is also a person who is unwilling to say more. In many cases, what you understand is what others want to tell you, but at this moment, what you feel is nothing more than the same, and, this time, it can be regarded as being with yourself. There is a big difference between them.

They didn't dare to think about it, and felt that this time, whether it was right or wrong, it might not have much effect.

Even if you really have feelings with yourself, it is not true or false to understand.

This time, he had thought about it, and he had already thought about it without thinking about it clearly. There are many things, at least not this time, you can think about it clearly.

There will always be someone who will tell them that not all stories will be told thoroughly at this moment.

But if you find such an opportunity, you will never give up.

(End of this chapter)

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