God please lie down

Chapter 1396 I Want To Take You To Watch The Fireworks

Chapter 1396 I Want To Take You To Watch The Fireworks
"Did you already want to say that?"

Xi Nuan has always wanted to ask this question, but has never found a chance.

I just said it, and I didn't think there was any problem.

Anyway, there is nothing else between the two of them.

There's nothing wrong with this topic.

Anyway, I think it's pretty good.

At least between each other, there can still be chat topics.

Xiao Muchen is a person who doesn't talk so much when he has nothing to do, and his temperament is relatively dull.

It's not unsuitable for him to find topics, not to mention that after such a long time, there are some things that you don't need to think about.

According to his own words, it is nothing more than nothing to talk about.

Everything that should be said has already been said, and when it comes to him, there is nothing left.

But this time, he and Xi Nuan came out just to have fun, other people's affairs had nothing to do with them.

It's even more impossible to find himself. He feels that when thinking about things, he should think of all these things.

Otherwise, it may not be of much use.

Xiao Muchen came out after making enough preparations, because he was afraid that during this period of time, he would still have something to look for him.

As he said, many things are not known, and even if he understands, he doesn't want to do it.

He didn't plan to know so much, when he was with Xi Nuan, he only had one thought.

The rest is not important.

He didn't want to think so much, and even at the beginning, he felt that this was not something he could do.

It's a little childish, but it's fun.

When I was young, I didn't realize these things. I always felt that I should have my own way, and when doing things, I also have a style.

He never asked himself whether he liked it or not.

But at that time, it should have been agreed long ago.

And now, it's not the final outcome, so there's nothing to worry about.

That's what he thought in his heart, but at the end, Xi Nuan still gave himself a lot of surprises.

At that time, it wasn't that he didn't expect it, but it was really unexpected.

He didn't know that Xi Nuan had prepared so much for him, and he always felt that Xi Nuan had a very indifferent temperament.

She won't fight for what she wants, and she won't even make trouble in front of him anymore, and she feels that she has thought things through.

But now I find out, no.

She just doesn't want to do that. If she really wants to, there are always many ways.

You don't have to think about it so much, and even when you understand it, you realize that the tacit understanding between the two people has never changed.

The only thing that changes is himself.

If you talk too much, it's just a foil for others.

He didn't want to be like this either, he just thought about the past, but now he doesn't think about anything.

And at this moment, what you feel is the same.

There is nothing to talk about. Between two people, if one person has such an idea, it means that there is some deviation in a certain aspect.

He thought about it, it shouldn't be like this.

Otherwise, there would be no current scenery.

It's not something he should think about, and he won't take it to heart.

But it's different now. With someone I care about, I feel that many things should be clarified.

(End of this chapter)

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