God please lie down

Chapter 1411 Don't Think About Anything

Chapter 1411 Don't Think About Anything
No matter how I think about that time, I still feel that this should be my relationship.

It's not like I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I still don't know anything.

During that time, I was afraid that I would not be able to do better.

He really put his mind to it, but in the end, he didn't know what the result would be.

He thinks that he has more to do with it.

It is not necessary to find any other problems. At this moment, he still thinks a lot.

Even if it is anything else, there is not much relationship.

He asked himself that he did many things for no reason.

It's still the same now, if you miss it, I'm afraid you won't be able to get it back.

He had come to this point because of his own affairs, and he felt that two years was enough.

It's time to make up for everything, he thought for a long time, only in this way can he go better.

How could I be like this at my age.

He didn't even think about things that he didn't understand, so he didn't let others get involved.

He is such a clear-cut person, he can't even consider this point.

Those who do not admit it have always been kept in their hearts.

He is not a person who will perform well in everything, but from the current point of view, Xiao Muchen feels that he will have the upper hand.

"I knew you wouldn't agree, let's go, and I'll help you buy some skin care products."

After Xi Nuan finished speaking, she began to drag Xiao Muchen happily to the next store.

Xiao Muchen was really silent at this moment, so he shouldn't have agreed to him.

Now even skin care products are brought out, he is a big man.

Now it's really, a little bit like crying.

But even though he thought so in his heart, he still followed Xi Nuan.

Because of this matter, she will not be allowed to do these things alone.

He still learned a lot. Before he was sure, he thought about it for a long time. At that time, his problem should not have been resolved.

Therefore, things may not be like this, and it can be explained clearly.

Xi Nuan and Xiao Muchen didn't go out to see the scenery at all, they just wandered around in the shopping mall.

He bought a lot of things, so much that Xiao Muchen felt that Xi Nuan liked shopping very much.

But upon closer inspection, apart from a couple outfit, there was nothing else of hers.

Xiao Muchen thought for a long time, found a store in the shopping mall, bought a pair of couple watches, and gave the female one to Xi Nuan.

When Xi Nuan hugged the watch, his eyes were slightly red.

She could understand what Xiao Muchen meant, so she didn't refuse.

I just think he's really caring.

For a professional player, with so many things in his head, and taking care of himself, he must be very tired.

Xi Nuan didn't dare to ask him, for fear that if he asked, Xiao Muchen would feel that he was thinking too much.

Xi Nuan didn't want things that were already good to be messed up by himself.

So she endured it and said nothing.

Feeling Xiao Muchen's affection for her, she thought that one day, she would be able to repay him.

At that time, no one can say anything about her.

She likes Xiao Muchen, and wants to keep this very good boy in her heart for the rest of her life.

I want to talk about him with others, but also selfishly want to hide him in my heart.

A bit contradictory, but also very true.

Xi Nuan didn't sit down with Xiao Muchen and talk about this, she felt it was unnecessary.

(End of this chapter)

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