God please lie down

Chapter 1415 I can do anything you can think of

Chapter 1415 I can do anything you can think of
When I am no longer alone, I feel that it is not so difficult.

That's why they were able to perform better. On this point, they never denied anything.

On the day of the finals, without Xiao Muchen's outstanding performance, they would not have won the championship.

This, in itself, is beyond doubt.

Not much else to say, Xiao Muchen made the whole team a dream come true.

When you were playing games, or playing professionally, did anyone think about today?

No, none of them have.

They didn't dare to think about it, and they didn't know where they could go along the way.

What can be seen, except darkness, is endless.

When you lose, you will be sad.

Will take the initiative to take responsibility, no matter how you look at it, many of the stories in it don't just need a few apologies.

It's easy to say, but people still don't know what the rest will be.

They are waiting, waiting for an opportunity. At that time, they may not realize that success is so close to them.

He thought about it, and he should have been very serious at that time.

Otherwise, it would not be what it is now.

Speaking of it, Xiao Muchen's goal is very simple, he has never thought about it so much, and the rest is simply not on his mind.Even he himself didn't quite understand how long he had to think for himself was the right thing to do.

It's just that he simply feels that even if something happens, he won't have a way out.

Do whatever you want, as long as you like it, that's enough.

In the rest of the time, you can do other things.

You won't waste time, and you can turn your head around.

Nothing to overwhelm, let alone think about, there is no turning back.

When meeting Xi Nuan, it was somewhat unexpected.

After all, it was in his heart, and he had never thought about it at all.

I always feel that things that are convenient, why must it matter?

Later, when they met again, they realized that they remembered her.

This is a very strange fate, and it's not just the way I know it.

Even he himself couldn't explain it clearly. It was a good thing, but in the end, there was no way to explain it.

Xiao Muchen himself also felt that most of the time, what he could see was the simplest surface.

But if you think about it in depth, you can understand more. This matter is not as clear as what he talked about.

Moreover, even if there is a long distance between you and yourself, there is absolutely no difference you can think of.

At any time, at any place, they can do very little when facing the past.

He could feel that in the past, their simple things and simple people had no reason.

Sometimes when you like someone, you don't need any reason.

Love is love, do you have to say something about Ziwu Maoyou?


What he is most afraid of is wasting time to explain.

Wouldn't it be the best response for both of them to be together?
I really don't know what these people are thinking about.

After Xiao Muchen won the finals mvp, he said in public that he already has someone he likes.

No matter how loud the fans' cheers were at that time, he was not afraid when he said it.

When he decided to tell everyone that it was the girl he liked, he knew that he might lose fans, but what did it matter.

(End of this chapter)

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