God please lie down

Chapter 1425 It Doesn't Matter

Chapter 1425 It Doesn't Matter
A person's time is limited, and even before he wants to make it clear, he must carefully consider it. At the beginning, no matter what is prepared, there is no need to prepare too many things.

When Xi Nuan thought this way, he had made his own arrangements, but he couldn't tell Xiao Muchen.

They will never know what the future will look like. They have expectations and hoped for it, but when they don't know what will happen, they can only keep this mystery, and no one will say it.

I'm afraid that if I say it, there will be no surprises.

Now it looks like this is the case.

Xiao Muchen's eyes seemed to be that in the time other than talking about feelings, there was no turmoil in his whole body, he didn't seem to be thinking about anything, and there was not much expression on his face.

I can't see through his thoughts, most of the time, I just take a step back.

Xi Nuan also didn't want to guess, for her, Xiao Muchen would tell her directly about anything.

Don't think about it, just because at the beginning, I didn't understand so much.

It is no longer used until now, so it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

At least they all know what they should do, and the rest, just keep it in their hearts.

If you don't prepare, or even think about it, at the beginning, you can understand these things, but in the end, it's still the same.

After thinking about it for a long time, it was clear that at this moment, he wanted to do something for himself.

It's not the kind of state where you don't know anything. You should have thought of this when you came here.

Why not.

Obviously everything has been explained clearly, so naturally there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Come on, let's eat."

Xiao Muchen and Xi Nuan were silent for a while on the way for a walk, and then they spoke.

He really understood.

It's no longer like before, I was confused, and then I didn't know what I should do.

Now, he is very sure that he has found his way, which is related to Xi Nuan, and he is the kind who doesn't want to let go.

Don't ask why, because there is no reason at all. When he wants to do something, he never needs to explain to others, there is no reason, and he doesn't need to convince himself.

What it should be, is what it should be.

He doesn't want to change, even if he wins the championship, some things still haven't changed at all.

If the essential things change, there will be a lot of trouble.

He hadn't thought about it then, but it's different now.

He had to think clearly about the things he should think about.

There will be no regrets, and I don't want to let my youth not even have a little memory.

When thinking this way, it is natural to think about Xi Nuan.

That girl brought me endless spring breeze.

At this moment, there is only her figure in his head.

I don't want to do anything else, and I don't want to allocate the extra time to others.

Everything will have a specific plan, no longer confused.

There will no longer be any hesitation, because a person chooses to give everything to himself, he does not know right or wrong, but feels that he will not regret it.

That's it.

Thinking about myself at that time, I really feel that when I was young, I was actually quite impulsive sometimes, at least I didn’t know anything, so I just did it.

The idea of ​​not caring about the result left an impression in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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