God please lie down

Chapter 1430 Hope I Haven't Left Any Regrets

Chapter 1430 Hope I Haven't Left Any Regrets

I still remember that I made a bet at the time, but now it seems that it didn't come true and I lost.

When I think about it casually, I feel that what I do is not like a person who can think clearly.

But now that you understand it, there is no need to look back.

Their feelings will not change, and it is inevitable that they think more, because at the very beginning, they never gave up on these things.

Whether it is the dream you chased or the time you missed, if it has something to do with yourself, that is the real miracle in the world.

He remembered these, which means that he did not choose to forget in the past.

Good or bad, it should be borne by oneself.

It is still possible to think about these things. There are many choices in life, but he just wants to choose the most difficult one.

It is a challenge, and it is also my own life.

Xiao Muchen found something for himself to do, at least it won't be so boring.

If it was in the past, he didn't even know where he should go.

After a period of time like that, it is much better now.

He found that everything he wanted could be achieved.

And the rest has nothing to do with him.

Although there is nothing in an ordinary life, it is not useless at all.

Xiao Muchen took Xi Nuan to eat the delicacies here twice, and it can be seen that he must have put his heart into it before.

This kind of preparation is only given to her alone.

When he was young, he was mostly fearless.

You don't need to think about the past, at this moment, you find yourself, so you don't need to ask for anything else.

Maybe I will understand at that time, but maybe there is something I don't know, but there is no problem when I think about it.

How to think, how to think.

You don't need to give yourself too many opportunities, and you don't need to think about whether it was because you did something wrong at that time.

They are here to see the brilliance of life, and they will always be so persistent.

No need to think about it, it turned out that at this time, he saw that the past, the life he wanted, had never been so far away.

He said that he didn't understand anything, but it seemed that it didn't take that much effort to think about it.

At the beginning, I felt that what I encountered was the past and love, but after I played it, I realized that it was not just that.

More, peace of mind.

With Xi Nuan by her side, she realizes that her world has never gone far.

They are still here, they don't think about anything, and they don't have to doubt anything.

In a lot of time, it seems that they have already found it, this is their own story, there is no need to make them think so much.

This moment belongs to me, it doesn't matter how much, what I want is just such a process.

When they first started, they couldn't feel that the remaining thoughts in their hearts were all blown away by the wind.

Then tell yourself that you have never missed it, whether it is right or wrong, the two of them are on the same road.

I thought a lot, but in the end, there was only one sentence I told myself.

Stick to what you like, just go all the way, believe in this world, even if it changes, you will not change.

That's the real meaning, nothing else is needed.

Just relying on such a sentence, he can support him through all the time, until he fights to the last moment in this arena.

When leaving, there will be no regrets.

(End of this chapter)

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