God please lie down

Chapter 1439 More Happiness

Chapter 1439 More Happiness

Rather than saying everything very clearly, Xiao Muchen would rather his own existence would bring a lot of happiness to everyone.

What is happiness is to make them feel happy when watching his game.

Xiao Muchen didn't know many things, it was more like he had learned about it a long time ago, faced a situation of the fairy, and then gave his own opinions on how to deal with it.

Where Xi Nuan can't see, Xiao Muchen is still the one who looks colder.

No matter how much life is added, it is still different.

People who are closer to him know what that means, and those who are not close can't imagine what kind of story Xiao Muchen will bring to everyone.

Some joy, but also many expectations, but most of all, I still think that this person is strong enough to be able to go all the way here and go on unswervingly.

Xiao Muchen took Xi Nuan to play in this city for three or four days, took her to see a lot of scenery, and then moved to the next place.

They originally estimated the travel time for a week, but it was obvious that they had fun.

I played directly for more than ten days, and when I returned to Liangcheng, it seemed that there were only a few days left before the Chinese New Year.

They didn't have much time for each other, Xiao Muchen didn't care, it seemed that Xi Nuan was not affected either.

The club is on holiday, and it has been until after the Chinese New Year.

Xiao Muchen went back to the place where he lived with Xi Nuan, anyway, there are all the rooms, and it is not necessary to squeeze into the same bed together.

Xiao Muchen said that before he gave Xi Nuan a title, he would definitely not do anything out of the ordinary.

The so-called outrageousness in his mouth is only that.

Xi Nuan is a very conservative girl, but when facing Xiao Muchen, she will inevitably lose her mind to some extent.

She never said how much she had done, and she didn't want Xiao Muchen to experience it.

However, Xiao Muchen is an extremely stubborn person in many aspects, and he always has a lot of truths waiting to be said.

Xi Nuan has no way to reverse his thinking, he can only let him think like this if he wants to. It seems that the two of them can't reach an agreement on this matter.

If anything exists, there isn't.

Things that come from imagination are not normal after all.

I always want to be better for him, but in fact, I still haven't been more perfect.

He knew that he was still lacking in many aspects, so he thought about using time to make everything more complete.

Xi Nuan didn't want to see Xiao Muchen unhappy, and even less wanted to see that within his sight, there were things Xiao Muchen wanted to do but couldn't.

A man like him shouldn't be like this.

Xiao Muchen should be someone who can get what he wants and has nothing to ask for.

Unfortunately, this wish was not realized after all.

He still felt a little regretful in his heart, it's not that he hadn't thought about these things, but at that time, he was still in a state of not being very clear, and he didn't know how much understanding still existed in his heart.

I just thought, anyway, I have come all the way here.

Even if you think about it a lot, it's not very clear to say so.

There are always people who think, since there has been some right and wrong for a long time, why must it be dealt with.

Occasionally think about something related to yourself, isn't it good?

It's pretty good, nothing bad about it.

But when you think about it, the price paid is too high.

(End of this chapter)

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