God please lie down

Chapter 1442 Once upon a time

Chapter 1442 Once upon a time
Thinking about many things from one end to the end, there is no reason for this room, it seems that even if you think about it, it is not very useful.

They have thought about a lot of things, and then feel that it is actually nothing.

Maybe it's because they didn't know much about it when they first started, and they really weren't very sure about it.

At the beginning, it may be because I hesitated, but it was not like this, so I was able to think of something better.

It is said that at the end of the story, even if there is an end, it doesn't matter too much.

Even though there are many problems in the story, it never seems to have too many reasons because of my own relationship.

Xiao Muchen thought, even if it was his own relationship, he didn't know much about it.

In memory, those things that I can think clearly are because I didn't know much at the beginning.

There is no need to say much, but there is no need to think too much.

Things have come all the way here, and they don't dare to be sure of anything.

Perhaps at the end, what I was most afraid of was the past that I didn't know.

Life always needs a period of time to think about these things, no matter how they studied all of them at the very beginning, at least in their hearts, they have already admitted some facts.

It has something to do with me, and he is not my own story, so I keep it in my heart, just because those people appear in front of me, so I can naturally know what is a better life.

What they want is always not much.

Xiao Muchen didn't seem to be surprised by this at all, after all, in his opinion, there is no need for too many reasons to do anything.

Always think about the things in your heart, after all, it is impossible to go back to the past.

Moreover, as I said at the beginning, there is no way to do it.

They think so, and there is not much so-called.

I still remember the lack of understanding at the beginning.

Even on the field, I feel that what I do is still not perfect.

Xiao Muchen felt that there were many flaws, although he didn't mention them, it didn't mean they never existed.

But this kind of thinking completely disappeared in front of Xi Nuan.

Xiao Muchen didn't have so many thoughts at all, he just wanted to cherish what he saw.

Other than that, don't care about anything.

He can't manage so much, it's because he doesn't have much time.

After explaining everything that should be said, you will find that things that were not expected at the beginning will become clearer from now on.

Right or wrong, no one will argue with him.

Those thoughts that are put in the heart will also be realized slowly.

He doesn't need to make himself so tired, the feeling of home is very warm.

He didn't care much about these things originally, and he didn't understand many of the remaining things. Even in many cases, he never thought about them.

And for a lot of time, he was thinking that the former self always left some leeway when doing things.

The worst thing is that I don't know what those thoughts are, which will eventually bring me some troubles.

But now it's completely different. I can't say what the difference is, but when I think about it, I still feel that no matter what, in the end, it's still the past that I need.

Every time I need to use this method, and then I can consider that I didn't know so clearly at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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