God please lie down

Chapter 1447 Just Because I Know

Chapter 1447 Just Because I Know
No matter how many differences there are in everyone's world, in the end, what is left for oneself is still the same.

She always believed that such a fate might not be met next time.

So at this moment, he told himself not to think so much.

Even if he is wrong, let him continue to be wrong.

Because of happiness, so I can put it in my heart, the kind that doesn't care about anything.

When there is nothing else to care about, Xi Nuan feels that his world is much brighter.

From the stories he knew, he could also take into account that at the beginning, he still didn't understand.

But usually, they wouldn't say that.

Because at the beginning, it was clearly not realized, and, at this time, even if there is something, it needs to be cleared until the end.

In everyone's heart, it is inevitable that there are still ideas.

When they didn't know at the beginning, they would doubt and miss it.

But at the end, I can still vaguely think about it, this is the life I want.

There is no need to doubt anything else, there is nothing wrong with staying here.

When they first thought about it, they felt scared, but now it's different.

The story in my heart is only realized after meeting the right person, and there is no difference.

They still think this way, and after thinking too much, they feel that this is the answer they want.

Speaking of it, there is no good way, so you don't have to worry about it too much.

"How did you make so many desserts today?"

"I didn't do a lot. I thought you had come back, so I made more. You can take it to the base and give them a taste. But think about it, you seem to be on vacation. Isn't it that they can't eat it? Forget it." , then it’s all for you.”

When Xi Nuan was doing it, he really thought of this, but after finishing it, he realized that the people in their base should all go back.

After all, I finally agreed to have a vacation. If I don't go back at this time, I don't know when the next vacation will be.

Thinking about it this way, Xi Nuan felt that his thinking was really long-term.

Now that it came out like this, she didn't even know what to say about herself.

When many things remain the same, you don't know how much will change.

But judging from the current situation, it seems needless to say.

Because there are too many secrets hidden in my heart, which is true in fact, I don't take the past things into my heart, and what I think is also very different.

No matter how you consider these, you must also pay attention to proportion.

But this question obviously doesn't need her to think about it.

Xiao Muchen has a big heart, so he won't have any opinion on her because of these things.What's more, Xiao Muchen knew what she wanted to do.

Xi Nuan would do these things because those people were his friends, otherwise, there would definitely not be so many stories.

Considering these, it is because, earlier, nothing else has been studied.

I have hidden so many secrets in my heart, and I understand that when the story reaches the end, I should have an idea. It is better to give myself a little chance at the end.

In life, we need to understand each other.

If he had an idea because of a little friction, then it really wasn't him.

(End of this chapter)

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