God please lie down

Chapter 1452 will tell you

Chapter 1452 will tell you

Originally, Xi Nuan didn't think so, but when she asked, Xiao Muchen would say it calmly. At that time, he heard a lot of things related to him from Lin Wan.

Many things happened in his past, and the year when he first became a professional. For Xiao Muchen, it should be very unforgettable.

I don't know how far he has recovered now, but now that he can say all these words to himself so easily in front of his face, there shouldn't be too many problems.

Even if there is, he can adjust it himself.

Xi Nuan never doubted this point.

At that time, I couldn't make up my mind about many things, so my parents occupied a very dominant position.

After he became an adult, he didn't care about these things anymore, so he never realized what Xiao Muchen should look like when he had disputes with his parents.

People who don't even go home, even if they want to argue, seem to have no chance.

She just looked at these things in this way. Sometimes, she felt hungry, whether she knew too much.

But after thinking about it, it doesn't seem to matter.

Anyway, this road has to be passed, no matter how much you think about it, when you get to him, there will be no other problems.

Moreover, in the early days, what came to me should be the story from the past, and what's more, I didn't think too much about it.

Even if it is all the stories, by this time, there is only a little left to care about from the corner of the eye.

But the road ahead, I am afraid that only I can think about it. Such a life is not as simple as he prepared.

At this moment, many things in the past can be ignored.

Not everyone can think about what he cares about deep down in his heart at this moment.

After all, at the beginning, they didn't understand these things. In their eyes, no one knew how much effort they needed to go this way.

At this moment in my heart, it is still the best.

What he said, what he did, is still at this moment, and he thinks a lot.

Xi Nuan didn't have any temper in front of Xiao Muchen, no matter what he thought at the beginning, but as far as the current situation is concerned, there is nothing to keep thinking about.

In their eyes, becoming a professional player has a high salary, but at the same time, it is much more tiring than others.

Because life is very boring, at this point, there is really no problem.

It's not the first time Xi Nuan thinks of these things, but this is the first time, she wants to know Xiao Muchen's thoughts.

What Xiao Muchen said is right, she has never been a person who likes to make trouble for no reason, before doing anything, she is still a person with plans, but that's all.

What's more, she didn't ask for anything. In her heart, doing things is not expecting a result.

Her ability to distinguish between right and wrong was not very clear.

But after thinking about it, I realized that they had gone a little further back then.

I haven't thought of the connection here, let alone dare to think about it. This is the answer I want.

Simply this way, no one has criticized him for anything.

The people Xiao Muchen met were all people who treated him very well, the kind who didn't ask why.

He didn't want to say that these people never persecuted him, as if these things never happened.

In Xiao Muchen's eyes, if it weren't for their faults, he wouldn't have walked through that dark time so quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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