Chapter 1454
The champion belongs to their TW team, isn't that enough to explain everything?

In fact, it is enough.

Just like the first time I met him, his flamboyance also carried a lot of wantonness.

This is the best.

Come to think of it, I didn't think anything particularly bad happened.

I just simply feel that this is the life I should think about, and I don't need to take the rest into my heart.

He does not need it.

Xiao Muchen's mind is very clear. Compared with many people, he doesn't need to do anything, as long as he stays in his own world.

As for these words, Xiao Muchen should have never said these words to others. In their eyes, before doing many things, they need a lot of things.

Xi Nuan doesn't understand, and she doesn't want to think about it, she just thinks, no matter how many things, at this moment, there will be many directions, no matter what, it is impossible to live so clearly.

So she has always hoped that in many cases, she can let herself think of nothing, so that there is no need for anything left.

Just do whatever you want, without thinking about it, or even doubting it.

Those who have known him know that these thoughts of Xi Nuan have always been of a long history, and they are definitely not the kind of one moment or another.

After all, the things involved in everyone's heart are somewhat different. If you think about it this way, there seems to be no problem.

At the beginning, I didn't understand the situation, so I wanted to evaluate their lives, but from the current point of view, I am afraid that it is not the same as what I think.

As for what to think, then don't say it.In a sense, things under normal circumstances have not changed much after a few years, but as far as the current situation is concerned, they are still normal.

"It's the first time I've heard you say this. When I first found out that you understood it, it was from someone else's mouth, and then I watched your live broadcast. However, your live broadcast style is really quite different from your own. , I don’t even know what to say.”

There are many things that Xi Nuan can't describe yet, but the only thing that is clear is that she likes Xiao Muchen very much.

Whether it was before or now, my love for him has not diminished at all.

Even after knowing some things about him, I still feel that he is what I like.

Every word and deed is full of warmth, in Xiao Muchen's eyes, she is a child.

The kind that will never grow up, when so many things happened, I didn't feel that these words are hypocritical to others, but when it comes to Xiao Muchen, there may be nothing left but acting like a baby.

That's right, that's what I thought, and the more I thought about it, the better I felt.

She didn't want to go so far on the same road.

There is indeed a long way to go in life, but it is not at this time, what should be done.

With so many stories to tell, at this moment, it seems that there is no need to study too much.

Between the few of them, there was nothing to think about. What should be said has already been said. If two people's hearts are together, they can not care about anything.

The self like that is really different.

Speaking of that period of time, I was also confused.

When they were first together, they didn't feel any sense of security, and felt that if they couldn't see Xiao Muchen, their daily life would be very different.

That feeling is really not sure how to describe it.

(End of this chapter)

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