God please lie down

Chapter 1468 Just Here

Chapter 1468 Just Here

When talking about this with Xi Nuan, he didn't know what kind of mood he was in. It seemed that after many things happened, you would know that when many things happened continuously, he still stood on the sidelines. here.

He couldn't even see how many changes there would be in the future, but even if he thought about it, it was useless. Their lives were completely different.

If you walk by, you can't help, and you don't necessarily have to explain it clearly.

There are always a lot of people who only understand after a lot of things have happened. It turns out that no matter how you think about it, life still needs such a situation.

It's not what you think, so you don't have to understand it.

That's obviously the case, so I started to feel that in the remaining time, even if it has something to do with me, if I don't think about it, there won't be much change.

People like them, when doing things for you, don't think much about the method. If you really think about it, you must think too much, and it is right.

For the rest, I don't care much.

If there is any problem, it should be decided from the very beginning instead of waiting until now.

Listening to Xi Nuan say these words, it is impossible for Xiao Muchen to say something without touching his heart.

Sometimes I feel that the social reality is like this, I dare not think about anything, and I can't feel that I have come all the way here, and there is not much left.

Life is such a process, and it would be embarrassing to say that I pretended not to know anything.

But if you think about it carefully, you will find that there is no way for others to help.

What they want to see is just a little hope.

And these, oneself cannot give.

The rest, any more, are useless.

They can't figure it out, and it's not the best look.

It is said that usually, in one's own heart, that is the only thing that can be felt.

But in between, what I expected was definitely not just such a sentence.

If there is such a person in their hearts, who knows.

It’s just that occasionally, you can feel it, but it’s not like you can think clearly.

It doesn't mean that you have understood it, you must know something.

When you use personal leave to find out everything, you never know what is waiting for you.

When you spend so much time doing one thing, you can't tell how many changes there are.

They always hope that all stories can make people feel that this is the best at the end.

But after thinking about it, it turns out that's not the only way.

But when thinking about things, if something is missing, if you want to talk about the feeling, you can't be wrong.

If you really say that something is wrong, then you don't have to think about it. If you can't even think about it clearly, then what other relationship can it have.

To be honest, those things are different from what everyone realizes.

It seems that it is precisely because of this that I have a feeling that if this kind of situation happens, it cannot be counted as such.

He was thinking, since both of them have time anyway, there is really no need to have to struggle for so long on the same thing without even getting a result.

He was never afraid of what others would say. The only thing he was afraid of was that he didn't know well enough.

He hasn't thought about other people's problems, but when he gets here, what he wants to see should be in the long run.

(End of this chapter)

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