God please lie down

Chapter 1471 You're Sober 1:[-]

Chapter 1471 You Are Sober

Xiao Muchen said that Xi Nuan is a very different existence in his life.

At any time, her affairs should be put first.

Whether they knew it or not, it seemed like nothing happened.

The friends around him already understood his feelings, and they couldn't let them intervene. They just wanted to introduce this girl to them.

He also wants to take her to see the great world outside. As long as he has time, all wishes can be realized.

At this point, it doesn't mean that Xiao Muchen has already planned it.

After all, at the beginning, I really didn't know. Xi Nuan seemed to know a lot, but he had actually been to very few places.

After thinking about it for a long time, I still feel that at that time, they were not convinced of many things, and in their own way, what they could think of was probably nothing.

Later, I found some opportunities for myself.

No one has ever talked to him about this, Xiao Muchen just thought that he still had a lot of things to do, and when he didn't finish, he was afraid of his previous thoughts, and in the end, there was nothing left.

At this point, he was more or less able to understand that feeling.

If it were someone else, they might not know much, but when it comes to him, Xiao Muchen's ingenuity and intelligence are brought into full play.

There is nothing that can make him feel embarrassed, even winning the championship is a bit simple for him.

It's not that he can't think about it, but he is afraid that he will think about it. All the time is spent on him.

In the past period of time, Xiao Muchen had a lot of things to do. From the time they entered the playoffs, he was looking forward to that day. After winning the championship, this feeling seemed to be even stronger.

He didn't know what he was thinking, but since he decided to do well, he would not choose to retreat at this time.

You have to keep going forward, and hope that the direction you are looking for has never changed.

There will always be people who know why they had to do this at that time, but when they can't figure it out, it seems that it doesn't matter much.

After all, as usual, I didn't take it very seriously.

Just like now, when you open your eyes every day, you can have breakfast.

You can also see Xi Nuan, which is very good.

He didn't ask for anything else, let alone had any unrealistic extravagant demands.

Everything related to Xi Nuan is good for him.

At this point, he thinks he is still qualified to comment on it.

Don't say anything else, if you really think about the matter to the end, you have to think about it. In the next time, you have to think to the extreme, so that you can be what he realizes.

Deep down in my heart, when I don't see it, I can only think about it in my heart.

Anything more is gone.

Xiao Muchen will not do things without thinking at all, whether in the past or now, you will never see panic in his eyes, this is the only thing he can be sure of.

It's like not knowing what's best and what's wrong.

But since I thought of it, it doesn't matter.

How many reasons there are, at this moment, can only be kept in the bottom of my heart, and there is no need to say it.

Once a lot of thoughts grow in someone's heart, you will find that the feeling is different from before.

(End of this chapter)

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