Chapter 1476 Mail it back
Xiao Muchen knew that they were all for his own good, so sometimes, even if they didn't say anything, it would be nice if they understood each other.

The touch between them is mutual. If you have something to do, I will definitely stand up.

In that dark time, they knew each other from the time they met, because they shared the same interests, so they could think about nothing.

It's a little different now, everyone has their own careers to work on, and when they do good or bad things, they are all borne by themselves, which has more meaning.

Even if you don't think about anything, but when you are not sure, you still feel that things have not passed for a long time.

They are all still here.

Xiao Muchen felt that at that time, he had already forgotten how he met Yu Sheng.

But later, I really felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Seeing them like this, you will also know that time has been really kind to them.

Simply when I think about it, I still remember that they are brothers, and when something happens, just say hello.

Don't think about anything, or it's useless to think about it.

At the beginning, I could feel that the things inside were deeper than what I thought.

But on the road after that, there is nothing.

No matter how many words, it seems that I can't realize anything.

Occasionally, when you feel it, you can think about nothing.

Or make yourself more clear.

"I really didn't expect that I bought so many things. I was a little scared. Why didn't you tell me when I bought it?"

When Xi Nuan saw the mailed items, he was still in a state of bewilderment. He really didn't notice it when he bought it, but now it's different.

When everything is placed in front of you, you will find that it is really what you want.

Moreover, you will understand that Xi Nuan is full of love for Xiao Muchen.

This is really true, they have already taken everything that can be taken out.

And what can't be taken out has already been packaged and returned.

Then there are two big boxes full in front of me.

Xi Nuan felt a little bit of deep despair, but luckily the address was not from the base.

This house is so big that it can be put down, and there is no need to toss back and forth.

Otherwise, Xi Nuan himself didn't know how long he would have to toss, and according to Xiao Muchen's personality, it was impossible to accompany her to such a torment.

It's not that Xiao Muchen didn't see the things on the ground, but it was useless to him.

"I told you not to buy so many at that time, but I couldn't stop it, and I think you are quite happy. You are so happy, how can I be willing?"

Yes, the reason is that he is not willing to part with it, because he is not willing to part with it, so he indulges Xi Nuan to buy a lot of things that may not be needed, but it doesn't matter, Xi Nuan is happy, even if it is a waste of money, Xiao Muchen also thinks it doesn't matter.

Anyway, he earns money very quickly. In any aspect, if you work harder to raise Xi Nuan, it will be more than enough.

Xiao Muchen didn't have any other thoughts, he simply felt that most of the time, it was good for her to be happy.

On his side, he doesn't have any thoughts at all, and he doesn't take this into consideration when he does things.

After all, everyone's ideas are different, and he doesn't need to learn everything quickly.

Occasionally, sometimes it's good to wait.

For the rest of the time, you don't have to worry about so many things.

(End of this chapter)

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