God please lie down

Chapter 1480 Only Games and Girlfriends

Chapter 1480 Only Games and Girlfriends
Xiao Muchen's life is really too simple.

Games, then girlfriends.

In addition, it seems that I have never seen him do anything, and it gives people a feeling that at any time, doing anything is particularly regular.

But that's all.

In addition, it seems that a person who is too lazy to talk can't be expected to do anything at all.

When Xi Nuan finished cleaning up, he found Xiao Muchen lying on the bed and falling asleep.

This person really can fall asleep anytime, anywhere.

Also because I was really tired.

During this period of time, Xiao Muchen didn't have a good rest. He played with her, made trouble with her, and then cooked for her. Maybe it was because he was busy like he was in the base on weekdays.

Xi Nuan covered him with a quilt, in case he would catch a cold.

After Xi Nuan finished everything, he squatted aside and watched Xi Nuan.

When I didn't know him, I thought about many possibilities, but I didn't think about it. At that time, I didn't know him, but I felt sorry for him.

What has happened to those years.

Why is it completely different from what I imagined.

Looking at Xiao Muchen now, Xi Nuan immediately felt that it was as if he had returned to his childhood, and he would have a lot of thoughts because of one person.

It was as if he was here, and he could treat those things as if they never happened, as if they didn't exist.

Xi Nuan just wants to look at him, look at him well, look at what he has done for so many years, and at the end, he can get a very satisfactory answer.

That's it.

When you can't help, there are too few things you can do.

On rare occasions, you simply don't have the means to think about those.

He spends all his time doing what he thinks is right, and Xi Nuan seems to seldom think about what Xiao Muchen's life should be like.

She used to be able to understand, but she really didn't understand much.

But now, it's much better.

It's almost what Xiao Muchen thinks, she can definitely know what she wants to do.

After Xi Nuan squatted on the ground for a while, his legs felt a little numb.

Then he got up and went out quietly, thinking about going to the supermarket to buy some fruit or something.

The weather is not very good recently, and vitamins and so on still have to keep up.

Otherwise, I am afraid that something will happen.

Add more, and it will be much better.

It also saves that when the weather turns cold, they all get sick and catch a cold or something.

Xi Nuan must have been out for more than an hour. The supermarket is not far from home, but it will take some time to walk back and forth.

Coupled with Xi Nuan's pick and choose, a lot of time wasted.

She doesn't have Xiao Muchen's ability to know what is the best at a glance.

She needs to do a comparison.

Only then can we know which is the best.

When Xi Nuan went back, he found that he still bought more fruit, and he didn't seem to have prepared too much for anything else.

The main reason is that when I went out with Xiao Muchen two days ago, I already bought a lot, all of which were stored in the refrigerator.

I haven't eaten it yet, so it would be a waste to buy it again.

When Xi Nuan went back, it was obvious that Xiao Muchen had already woken up.

The whole person's eyes are still a little sleepy, and he can't see his expression clearly.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the whole person looked over in search of prestige.

"You went out?"

"Well, I just went to buy some fruits. There are no fruits at home, but this season, I should add more vitamins."

(End of this chapter)

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